A Kansas woman got a life sentence for removing the head of her ex-boyfriend's mother. She used two steak knives to do it, leaving the head in the kitchen sink.

 Sentenced by the courts is Rachael Hilyard, 38, from Wichita, who slew Micki Davis, 63, by removing her head. According to prosecutors, it is premeditated by the convicted woman, reported Daily Mail.

 The victim died when she went to then ex-girlfriend of her son to pick up his belongings on April 9, 2017. Courts sentenced Hilyard later after committing the crime.

 With the elder, Davis was her nine-year-old grandson, who accompanied her to the ex's home. The child was there when the trouble started and ran for help before granny was decapitated, cited Fox23.

 When the authorities arrived, the victim's body was found headless in the garage lying in blood. The head was found in the kitchen sink by them.

 During the hearing, the then accused had apologized for the killing of the Davis Matriarch. The attendees where the Davis family members who were in court or via Zoom call.

 She said to the relatives that the death sentence was too good for her, adding that she felt regret for her actions.

To those who knew the victim and had affection for her, she was profusely sorry to everyone. That included her family, grandchild, friends, her neighbors, expressing regret for what she has become, mentioned CBS18

 The old woman's killing had shocked the family members, called the culprit a monster for the killing. They were there to see her sentenced.

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Jeremy Rush, who was with Micki when it happened, said something according to KAKE.com. Mom said hate is the worst word to speak to anyone. And his mom would not scold him to say it. The child expressed anger that can never be forgotten nor stop being angry.

 Jacona Gillespie, the daughter of Hilyard, had things to say about the victim. Saying that Micki was not as she seems. She is a monster, a mother who terrified her son and her entire family. Adding the beheading victim was selfish and not always right when represented by her family.

 On Tuesday, the judge on the cause said the accused mental state when the victim died did not absolve her. Judge Bruce Brown added that mental health has no bearing on the crime. Nor does a head injury justify murderous outcomes. Lastly, saying that he was at a loss for words at what Hilyard did.

 The Davis family said the convicted felon could never be forgiven. Her daughter chimed in to defend her mother and said the victim was dead, the living need to move on,

 According to Sedgwick County District Attorney Marc Bennett, Hilyard had attacked the older woman who provoked her. She was deemed Guilty in February.

 Bennet said that Hilyard finishes what they started and used two knives to behead Davis. One knife broke, and another used to cut her head off. The struggle began when Davis pounced on the elder woman, who was overcome by her attack.

 Sources say that part of the problem was her boyfriend, and then his mother made it worse. For decapitating the victim, she got life but parole in 50 years.

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