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Republican Senate Candidate Jodi Ernst Campaigns Throughout Iowa
IOWA CITY, IA - NOVEMBER 03: Republican U.S. Senate candidate Joni Ernst (L) embraces House GOP candidate Mariannette Miller-Meeks during a rally at the Johnson County GOP Victory Office during her 'One More Thing' 24-hour campaign push to election day November 3, 2014 in Iowa City, Iowa. According to the polls, Ernst is in a neck-and-neck race with her opponent, Democratic candidate Rep. Bruce Braley (D-IA), and the election in Iowa could decide which party controls the U.S. Senate.

Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks from 2nd District of Iowa says the democrats are playing dirty to unseat her. Democrats want to win by any means possible, even if by technical cheating.

Miller-Meeks Calls Out the Democrats' Dirty Methods

The GOP gained the last election, and the Democrats lost many seats. DEMs are intent on keeping seats and even stealing them. They do not want to lose anymore.

The Congresswoman answered that Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) claim that an investigation will be done. Pelosi stated that their investigation might replace her. The representative said that they want to put the loser instead. Democrat Rita Hart challenges her win, but she was sustained, reported the Epoch Times.

Rep. Miller-Meeks (R-Iowa) told Fox News last Monday that it is reprehensible what Democrats do. She won the elections and even the recount, which verified her in the race. Attempts to subvert the results with Hart, who lost with few votes, are in the works. 

Pelosi allowed Democrats to start an investigation with dubious ends. For many, this might lead the DEMS to cheat a legal electoral winner. They want to find a pretext to prove the six votes questionable.

Pelosi told ABC News on Sunday that Miller won by six votes over Hart. Several critics say the Democrats ignored the Iowa voters and replaced the GOP winner. Hart lost as many more Democrats bested during elections. 

Rep. Miller-Meeks got her seat in Congress after she won and with certified votes. All the counting and recounting proved she won not hart. It leads to assuming the Democrats want to replace the GOP congresswoman by any means.

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The congresswoman said that the state upheld her election results with no objections. Even during her oath-taking before or after that declared her electoral win. Hart lost and ignored Iowa courts, using the Democrat majority to cheat. She questions if Congress has the right to overrule the state.

She outlined how the loser DEMs will try to get an illegal win over her. Hart admitted she ignored Iowa courts over the case. Instead, Congress bypassed the state declaration supported by DEMs willing to deny Iowa voters their choice. Rita Hart lost because Iowa voters don't want another Democrat as a representative.

No one believes the intention of Democrats when it comes to unstable election integrity. Pelosi and the Administration Committee's probe is not seen in a positive light. They will find a way to disregard the 6-vote lead. 

Pelosi said that the six votes would be disregarded to prove Hart would have won. 

The probe will be done to find the problem of a six-vote win certified by the state. Justifying that Congress will be the final arbiter with an impartial Democrat majority.

The GOP congresswoman has no intention to sit back while Democrats do a steal. Voters are secondary to their agenda of getting more power in Congress. Many consider it two-faced when they can assail election results by Republicans cannot. Rep. Miller-Meeks shots back, saying six DEMs are not enough to overturn the results in the House Administration. 

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