Kanye West, a US rapper, divulged how God was the higher inspiration for his bid for the United States presidency. The White House hopeful guested in an interview on the "Joe Rogan Experience" podcast where he expounded on his political aspirations and where the idea stemmed from.
God Spoke to Me in the Shower to Run for President
According to the White House hopeful, "It was something that God put in my heart back in 2015. A few days before the MTV Awards, it hit me in the shower," reported The News International.
West added, "When I first thought of it, I just started laughing to myself, and all this joy came over my body, through my soul. I felt that energy. I felt that spirit."
The musician described that it is not so much a rant but a symphony of ideas regarding his sometimes tangent-prone style of articulation when he talks. Kim Kardashian's husband said he does not think in the black-and-white lines but the full color or a "human Instagram."
There are historical moments wherein chosen ones were given divine apparitions. This is reportedly a peculiar incident wherein a person heard his divine calling in the shower, reported Philippine News.
West was confident he would be "100% winning in 2024." Many people are reportedly aware that he has a "God complex."
In July, the 43-year-old announced that he purported to have his name on the ballot for the upcoming United States Presidential Election on November 3.
In the MTV Awards, the artist was named the third rap act to win the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award. He revealed his political ambitions in the event.
West further stated in the podcast, "A thousand people, a thousand soldiers on it, because God is calling me. It's in God's plan. To take this position, even though I'm the pastor. The world is like it couldn't be a better time to put a visionary in the captain's chair," reported Republic World.
The Grammy winner disclosed that a number of his friends and colleagues were not in agreement, but he had his mind made up because he believed he would become a billionaire at that point. He was about 50 million dollars in debt during that time, and he said that he knew he had the courage for his situation to turn 180 degrees.
When he witnessed President Donald Trump win, he could see that an outsider from politics could win.
He added that if it is in God's plan that his path includes being the governor, it is fine with him. However, his mission is to become the leader of the free world.
The musician ascribes his lackluster standing in the polls to COVID-19. He registered to run late because he tested positive for COVID-19.
He said he was considering running as a Democrat rather than his self-established "Birthday Party."