(Photo : Pixabay/stevepb)
A British couple accidentally got divorced after their lawyer pressed the wrong button in an online portal.

Getting a divorce is difficult but a necessary step towards happiness and good mental health. You may be certain that you are doing the right thing for both parties but there are emotional consequences. So resorting to tips to cope with divorce is vital.

Marriages are currently suffering due to confinement or quarantine protocols across the globe. Reaching out to a therapist who specializes in divorce could be helpful.

7 Out of 1000

Despite merely seven out of 1,000 couples walking down the aisle,  numerous marriages still end up in divorce.

According to research, divorce provokes psychological distress and a decline in life satisfaction, reported Lifehack.

The Key Thing in the Process

For everyone involved; the husband and wife, children, grandparents, and friends of the family, they will be adversely affected in varying ways. The key is to navigate the divorce and negotiations in a calm as a sea approach.

You may be staring at the appalling stack of paperwork, thinking back to where it all went wrong. Your logic and emotions may be playing tug-of-war, reported Attorney at Law.

For children, watching their parents go through a divorce at a young or old age is not easy. For parents, no one wants to be away from their children. Children are a crucial part of any relationship. This is why divorced parents should take note of what they could incorporate to help children cope better with their divorce.

Here are our recommendations for coping with divorce:

1. Explain the Divorce

Once a couple very certain of divorce plans, they should inform the children immediately about what transpired between them and their decision to live apart.

Both spouses must be present in the conversation. It would be best if both parents practice how the conversation would flow to ensure that neither parents nor children become upset during the discussion. This is important as they may be heated up to cope with divorce.

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2. Be Calm in Handovers

Make efforts for the handover times of your children as stress-free as possible. Most importantly, do not express anger. Take into consideration that your children may start to play up and if your former spouse has a new partner, he or she may likely be tensed as well.

During a visit when it is time to say goodbye, assure the next time you will see your children.

3. Take Care of Your Physical Health

Your eating habits may be altered drastically as a coping mechanism.

After the final court papers are filed, aside from your mental health, start shifting your focal point to your physical health. Eat healthy meals, exercise regularly, and replenish your body with essential vitamins.

4. Practice Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Various strategies could help you feel calmer and more grounded.

When overwhelmed, take many short breaks. Write down your ruminations on paper and honor your time for solitude. Utilize meditation to calm down. Try various breathing techniques to be level-headed.

5. Do Everything You Can to Reach an Agreement

Prolonging a dispute, arguing a point of principle, and digging your heels in, would not do anything to help in a divorce negotiation in all aspects.

Exert the best efforts to reach a resolution. It would be better if both parties do not end up needing to go to court for a judge's ruling to cope with divorce.

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