Echo Fox, owned by three-time NBA champion Rick Fox, is another team debuting in the 2016 NA LCS Spring Split. Fox bought "Gravity's" slot in the NA LCS and started from scratch in signing up players for Echo Fox.

When his roster was finally ready to compete for the 2016 spring split, things took a wrong turn for the team during the start of the season, especially when the only veteran and All-Star player of the team, Danish mid-laner Henrik "Froggen" Hansen, plus Korean top-laner Park "kfo" Jeong-Hun, had visa issues that prevented them from playing any matches from week one until seven matches after.

Without Froggen, the team suffered embarrassingly, losing each match except the first one.

Thankfully, after three weeks, when the travel visa issues were resolved, Froggen and kfo were able to play for the team during week 5, where Froggen showcased a solid performance, bringing his team four wins out of the six matches that the team has played with him on the rift. This is already a great advancement for the team, given that they only had one win out of the eight matches they played without Froggen.

Also included in the roster is Yuri "KEITH" Jew, who now has the chance to showcase his AD Carry skills fulltime, after only serving as a substitute for Team Liquid and Team SoloMid last season.

Meanwhile, NA natives Anthony "Hard" Barkhovtsev and Terry "Big" Chuong as Jungler and Support, respectively, have yet to show their talents and if they have enough of it to compete in the world of professional League of Legends.

In an interview with Hard, he was asked about his playing style, to which he replied: "I think I'm mostly team-oriented. I definitely - I think I maybe ward more than most junglers. ... I don't really go for kills or try to carry. I just make sure my lanes are ahead."

This team of old and new professionals will be guided by coach David "Cop" Roberson as they come together to make a name in the eSports industry.

Echo Fox might not have the same powerhouse roster as Immortals, a team that is also debuting this season, but, as it is owned by an NBA star that has proven his seriousness and commitment to eSports, the team is definitely still one to look out for.