The first shot in the next-gen console wars will be fired on Friday when Sony releases its highly anticipated PlayStation 4 throughout the U.S. With only hours left for people to make up their minds about whether they want the PS4 or Microsoft's Kinect-ready Xbox One you'd think it would be impossible and too late for anything to change their minds. However, for certain gamers, nothing is impossible.

A new ad campaign from Sony called #4ThePlayers in which it produced a series of viral videos to tug at people's nostalgia for the PlayStation brand as well as wink at a few popular games like the old-school "Street Fighter" and the brand new Assassin's Creed IV: The Black Flag." Now Sony has merged all of these video campaigns into one super video to promote the launch of the next-gen console.

It's important to note that, while this video comes out on the eve of the American launch of the PlayStation 4, it's geared toward European gamers who will have to wait another week before the console is available for them.

According to IGN, if you watch the video closely enough, and can look past the plethora of activity happening in the video, you can make out distinct references to "Knack," "Killzone: Shadow Fall," "Infamous: Second Son" and "Driveclub." In addition, you can see nods to both the Hadouken Cabs and Assassin's Creed tailors advertisements from the previous #4ThePlayers ad campaign earlier this month. There are also a couple of winks to the ultra-nostalgic 'Since 1995' trailer that kicked the launch campaign off.

Now is a good time to stop what you're doing, plug in your headphones at work and click play on the video below. If you were waiting for something to get you excited for the release of the PlayStation 4, this video is exactly what you've been waiting for. Watch the trailer and tell us what you think in the comments section below.