It's finally November, which means that the long awaited Xbox One and PlayStation 4 next-generation gaming and entertainment consoles are finally a tangible reality. For the longest time many have been upset that both new devices are focusing heavily on being an entertainment system for your living room and are letting games take a back seat. While that argument rages on, one question remains to be answered: If next-gen consoles are going to be all about entertainment, who will do it better?

CNET, a tech blog that focuses on news and reviews of various products and companies has issued a list of all of the most popular entertainment apps that will be available for each console. You can check it out below.

Before you do, there are a few notes worth mentioning, courtesy of CNET.

  • According to Microsoft, all of the Xbox One apps listed below will be available between the console's launch date and the spring of 2014. Some of them will be available at launch day on November 22 but at least one, HBO Go, will not.
  • The PlayStation 4 apps will be available at the launch of the console on November 15 (November 29 in Europe).
  • The apps listed below apply only to U.S. customers.
  • Xbox One owners still need to have an Xbox Live Gold subscription (which costs up to $60 a year) to use any of the third-party entertainment apps like Netflix. Meanwhile a PlayStation Plus subscription is not required to use any of that console's apps.
  • Many of the apps require a separate monthly subscription like Netflix and Hulu Plus. This means that neither of the consoles come with a subscription or access to these subscriptions. However, if you have one you can use it without a problem.
  • All of the "No" listings can be changed to a "yes" at any time if the developers decide to create an app. This is with the exception of all Xbox and PlayStation exclusive apps.

You can see the full list of entertainment apps HERE via CNET.