Russian scientists could have beaten the West to the punch in plasma physics and advanced materials for highly advanced weaponry in their current arsenal. It bodes a robust store of futuristic weapons that the western alliance will fear.
Countries like the United States and other advanced nations see it as a crucial arms race; notably, China and Russia have an alleged head start.
The Future is terrible
According to military technology expert James Peddle to an outlet that both Moscow and China have spent on R&D of hypersonic missiles; they are now owners of such arms, reported the Express UK.
He is the ex-research director of the Ministry of Defense and works for Black Jellyfish consultants, stating that the arsenal developed by Moscow could be impossible to deflect by current missile defense networks.
Beijing and its Russian counterpart have working superfast missile technology after the 3M22 Zircon or Tsirkon, noted US News. It could alter its flight path before terminal trajectory to its target, capable of Mach 5+.
He explained that Russia has countless warheads of the nuclear type; he added that the West has constantly been working to counter this deadly arsenal for over twenty years. Most defenses are for conventional weapons.
The Kremlin knows that the US can defend against its ballistic missiles; next is where are these missile defenses are located.
Suppose Russian scientists devised these weapons to bypass the technology developed to stop it with plasma physics and advanced materials. It will increase the danger of such arms capable of striking targets with impunity.
Read Also : Russia Warns US: Deploying Hypersonic Missiles in Europe Will Result to Retaliation and World War III
Both superpowers are in a contest to have the upper hand in an arms race to have the most formidable system for defense or attack.
Though Moscow is not interested in only defense, it wants to bypass anti-missile measures and hammer its targets to destroy them.
Deathly Cat and Mouse game
The quest for mastery in the arms race is like cat and mouse; both Russia and America are after the best technology to give them the best advantage.
Russians said Peddle has been wise to devise these breakthrough technologies, seen in new arms displayed by armed forces.
No way should the Russians be underestimated; because they know what they are doing from plasma energy and exotic materials.
They are needed to develop superfast hypersonic arms into what is available now.
Due to tensions caused by allegations of a Russian false flag attack in Ukraine's Donbas region last Thursday. Its target is a kindergarten that hurt two individuals in a report, cited.
It gets more confusing as the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson blames Moscow for the attack. The Kremlin was shocked at the unverified accusation; accused the Ukrainians. As many as 41 artillery assaults hit east Donbas, cited the Diverse Bulletin.
Despite Russia's denial, they did not do it; experts are saying it's Vladimir Putin's orders that have not sat well with the Kremlin.
US president Joe Biden and his officials are raising hysteria by accusing Moscow are not pulling back troops.
Russian Scientists are driving fears in the West with their research in plasma physics and advanced materials that will be ready for use as unstoppable offensive weapons.
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