Political commentator Nigel Farage is not convinced of Vladimir Putin's alleged Russian aggression and never thought to trample Ukraine from the start, which is to shock Ukraine and the leader of the free world 'Joe Biden' and NATO into his mind game.
He added the EU could not stop him because they are not unified and are bickering over many issues.
It leaves the EU divided and, in a quagmire, trying to get its act together with invasion hysteria making it harder to do anything.
West Falls Into Putin's Plans
Farage said the more than 100,000 Russian forces and equipment are to pressure Kyiv, and it does help with Washington screaming invasion for more shock value at the shared border, reported the Express UK.
Advised against sanctioning Moscow, which does not hurt Putin due to the weaknesses of the bloc. When the Kremlin decides to turn the screw on the EU's head, it would be troubling. The GB News host remarked they should discuss the happenings in Ukraine.
British PM Boris Johnson mentions false flag activities that Putin will commit to so that it appears his army is under assault. It sets the pretext of armed invasion to follow allegedly. He added it's the same thing every week, remarked that it is not part of Putin's plans to take over Ukraine.
So far, the West has been getting fidgety every he moves, and it] is confused chaos of Western leaders from the US to Europe. Putin's plans seem to work, and the gangster style is shaking them up.
According to Nigel Farage, Putin is probing and pushing buttons to gauge how far alleged Russian aggression can go, like a statesman.
Weak Washington, Encumbered NATO
It is a divide and conquers which the West fell for, hook line and sinker, and the bloc struggling internally is proof; one example Poland and Germany (Baltic states) cannot see eye to eye. The Kremlin did well in achieving it, cited ApXap.
Ironically, it's the opposite, when bloc members warn sanctions, it is Moscow with the last word. If the Russian Finance Minister says it's that, then the next thing is natural gas supplies get diverted. Sorry, no more gas EU.
Western leaders should admit that Vladimir Putin is a master statesman and outclassed the US and NATO leaders using means than war.
Farage still cautioned that the Russian leaders' mastery of political chess could not be discounted even a farfetched invasion is possible. He added that other commentators speculate on a terrible war; a conflict between Russia and the West could happen.
Even as the commentator says it is psyching the West, the Ukrainian army said a Luhansk was allegedly attacked by Russian, according to News Lanes.
Media outlets immediately circulated pictures of a pock-marked nursery due to Russian shelling. One Ukrainian military serviceman, who is unnamed and not verification of his statements, said it was the fault of Russians for the attack. Two civilians got shell shocked by the artillery attack, said the report. Nothing more was mentioned by local sources.
PM Boris Johnson will meet senior Government Ministers in Munich to talk about an invasion by Russia after nothing happened to Joe Biden's prediction. Nigel Farage says that alleged Russian aggression is a means to an end; Vladimir Putin is getting far ahead due to a faulty EU lost in a myriad of differences.
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