
China Researches Blackout Bomb Warhead on Hypersonic Missile to Knockout Communications and Power to Disable Enemy Cities in Non-Nuclear Attack

China Researching Blackout Bomb Warhead on Hypersonic Missile to Knockout Communications and Power to Disable Enemy Cities in Non-Nuclear Attack
GREG BAKER/AFP via Getty Images

In the upcoming power struggle with near peers, China is researching a Blackout bomb warhead that can shut down all electronics and powers sources. The hypersonic missile will use a chemical-based explosion emitting electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that effectively disable any technology in the blast area, knocking out enemy capability like radars.

Emerging Chinese technology will create a new generation of superfast missiles that need no nuclear or high explosive warhead. Alternative weapons systems will have the option of not shining targets using nuclear weapons.

EMP based weaponry Star Wars Style

Specifics of the superfast missile include a range of 2,000 miles and a top speed of Mach 6, with a chemical-based explosion that causes power grids and electronic devices to shut down fast, reported the Sun UK.

The China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology engineers and scientists remark it will skim inside the atmosphere to alert early warning systems close to space, cited the New Zealand Central Press Syndicate.

Using electricity to charge a magnet called a 'flux compression generator' will cause a chemical to explode and emit EMP in the target zone. The sudden release of EMP waves will short out any unshielded devices.

The concept non nuclear attack

In the domestic journal 'Tactical Missile Technology,' Sun Zheng and his co-authors wrote that after the explosion, it would emit 95% of the energy in only 10 seconds. The EMP will overload all electronics and information architecture in the power surge, noted SCMP.

In a range of two kilometers, the explosion will fry information infrastructure and destroy electronics vital to the system. If China is researching a Blackout bomb warhead, that should worry the enemy during conflicts.

It is part of a trend to acquire an active stealth electromagnetic pulse weapon that attacks the ability of the enemy to use all electronic devices and restricts their use.

One fired superfast missile will not be detectable until the electronics and power grid is done.

The stealth is gained traveling at Mach 3+ while air molecules are energized by heat that burns as thin plasma on the missile. In this state, it will pull in radar waves and be undetected.

A researcher working in hypersonics but not involved in the project remarked that the idea is achievable.

Ex-CIA officer Peter Pry, the head of the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security, said that China is close to having missile technology that has nuclear or EMP options. This will be very dangerous if used to attack US forces in the Pacific and the US.

Now there is a race to get hypersonic weapons and arm up with them. Last December 2020, the Chinese tested a jet turbine with a speed of 12,000 mph. China tested it several days before the US Air Force (USAF) had an advanced stealth cruise missile on a B-1 Bones, and Russia also had a head start.

More dire warnings come as China will oppose the US in a new cold war. According to the United States-Chinese Economic and Security Review Commission that says in 15 years, the CCP can fight outside the Indo-pacific.

Recently Putin boasts the Russian army has a formidable superfast missile with 6000 mph max speed tested last October and was able to hit a dummy target in four minutes flat.

China is researching a Blackout bomb warhead to kill all power, and electronics is another horrifying weapon that might be used later on.

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