As the battle for control of the seas gets heated, a naval top gun school for submariners established is for underwater combat. China and Russia are contesting the dominance of U.S. sub forces, so the U.S. Navy is training in underwaters assets to fight smart and win.

Key to this move is a unit design after the top gun school for naval pilots, a special unit that will be the enemy to teach U.S. submariners to defeat threats posed.

The U.S. is aware that adversaries are gunning to take out its submarines to cripple the ability to fight back, leaving the surface fleet at a disadvantage.

American sea wolves are now the hunted

An Aggressor Squadron (AGGRON) that will imitate how enemy subs will operate to take out USN subs, information about Russian and Chinese tactics updated will be used. What is gained is an underwater U.S. force optimizing ways to kill the enemy, reported Popular Mechanics.

One example is the Vietnam war when American jets were shot down, more than enemies. Losing a sub is worse than one jet, so maritime forces are getting an upgrade in anti-submarine warfare, creating AGGRON.

A naval top gun school for submariners how to combat underwater enemies based on how they fight is no different than a U.S. aggressor squadron in the U.S. Air Force (USAF). It is hoped that training underwater units will yield a good ratio of kills when the time comes.

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All the serviced in the U.S. military know it's harder to win wars, all units army, navy, air force should be trained as a warfighting unit with all resources available. This is why the investment in counter-force is very necessary.

The sea is a dangerous battleground

Times have changed for the U.S. submarine force, and fighting in the ocean's depths against submarines is not, easy sub hunters have their hands full. The Russian Yasen missile subs or similar Chinese types are guarded by improving construction and dedicated sub hunters as well, states the Insider.

A Sea Wolf, or Los Angeles class needs to be the best submarine hunter. Or these enemy subs can threaten U.S. assets, above or under the water.

AGGRON is a relatively new branch of the navy, that was operational in 2019. The Navy's Undersea Warfighting Development Center explains why it is important to Maritime Security.

It says that the squadron will teach crews of U.S. subs how the Chinese and Soviets will try to outsmart, outmaneuver, hide and then strike to sink them. One official said that the result of the training is that all U.S. Navy submariners will be equipped to take on adversaries and apply the proper tactics.

 The U.S. is the one with mostly nuclear subs in service, units assigned to AGGRON is top secret. How other sub forces use mix diesel or nuclear submarine have it minus and plus points, which is what the AGGRON teaches.

In 2005, the U.S. Navy had no diesel-electric submarines, an article in Naval Technology mentions the Swedish Gotland took out the mighty USS Ronald Reagan and bypassed its defense of the carrier force. Using non-nuclear subs to be the enemy to simulate actual combat, leasing other submarines from 2005 to 2007.

A necessity for a naval top gun school for submariners using diesel-electric foreign subs, US sailors on America's boats learn to fight effectively.

Related Article: Los Angeles Class Nuclear Attack Submarine: Cold War Warrior That Fights On Since 1982