"Battlefield 4" is out and it didn't take gamers too long to find the Easter Eggs and Secrets hiding in the title.

WARNING: This article is filled with spoilers, so proceed at your own risk.

There are some secrets you have to be extra observant to spot; if you blink, you'll miss them. One of the funniest Easter Eggs that you will find in the game is a Dinosaur and it will go right over your head if you're not trying to look for it.

Here are four of Easter Eggs and hidden surprises waiting for you in "Battlefield 4," courtesy of IGN.

1. GODZILLA In Shanghai? Nope, just your casual dinosaur sighting.

"In the Battlefield series, there is a running theme or joke of Dinosaurs making appearances in the game. In the Shanghai campaign mission, a dinosaur decoration can been seen hanging from the rear view mirror of the car in the first cutscene of the mission." (Check out the photographic proof HERE)

2. The Easter Bunny has left you some eggs. Now hide them from the Dinosaur!

"On the Multiplayer, Flood Zone, on the roof and in the sheds near the middle of the map, Easter eggs can be found inside and Easter basket."

3. Eavesdropping? Is this an "Assassin's Creed" mission? (Hidden Dialog)

"Irish and Pac have a random conversation about fortune cookies and other explicit activities if you don't call the elevator in the Shanghai mission." (Warning: video contains explict dialouge)

4. "Battlefield Friends" gets a shout out.

"Battlefield Friends is a series started by Machinima that 'follows the antics of four Battlefield players.' In the campaign Mission Tashgar, after reaching being let into the base by friendlies up the alley way are groups of soldiers that, if you stay in front on long enough, will begin to quote the characters from this series."

Cool, right? There are more hidden secrets lurking in the game, so be on the lookout. Or you can check and check out the list of goodies here.


Spotted something that's not on the list? Share your Easter Egg find in the comments section below.