Ellie Bishop arrived at NCIS more than six years after DiNozzo's relationship with Jeanne Benoit crumbled. With Jeanne's return, Bishop wants all the details on what happened, but her colleague is only willing to tell her that he and the good doctor were "good friends."

Bishop (Emily Wickersham) has more luck getting answers out of McGee (Sean Murray) on tonight's episode of "NCIS." He breaks down the specifics of the relationship (Jeanne's father, international arms dealer, Director Shepard, etc.), but "bottom line is Tony got too close."

Despite the lapse of time, DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly) still seems hung up on his ex-girlfriend (Scottie Thompson). McGee reveals that he still refuses to talk about her and Bishop saw much more on Tony's face when he came face to face with Jeanne than just the normal reaction of someone bumping into his ex.

Watch the full sneak peek of McGee and Bishop's mini interrogation of Tony's personal life below:

Later, Jeanne comes to the NCIS office and is determined to help on the case, especially since husband is missing after an insurgent attack on a group of volunteer doctors in the Sudan. She requests to join Gibbs (Mark Harmon), DiNozzo and McGee in their flight to the Africa.

Gibbs' surgeon Dr. Cyril Taft (Jon Cryer) also comes to the bullpen looking for answers on another doctor missing in action. Gibbs finally allows Jeanne to come along, but the boss won't be going anywhere when he collapses in front of everyone.

"NCIS" airs tonight at 8 p.m. on CBS.