(Photo : Enrique Meseguer/Pixabay)
A four-year-old girl made a fairy garden and got a surprise. A fairy sent her a letter and left it for her to read.

A four-year-old girl made a fairy garden and got a surprise. A fairy sent her a letter and left it for her to read.

Eliana's first letter from Fairy Sapphire was a great surprise, and she could not believe it.

According to the four-year-old girl, the sickness came, and it affected everyone she knew. Her friends and neighbors were gone. To distract her attention, she and her parents made a fairy garden close to their LA house. The note she got came from a fairy, so she thought, reported USA Today.

The fairy called herself Sapphire and said that she is only one of many fairies in the tree. They needed Eliana's help.

The fairy wanted to see if the one getting it should be the right one.

To be worthy of the fairy's gift, one should try to prove it. It said five things to loved ones, do three tasks for someone in need of help, always be kind and brave to everyone, said the note. Draw an animal picture too.

 When Emily, Eliana's mom, recalled how excited her daughter was from the first note. Eliana was in a mood of awe and wonderment, USA Today.

The girl did all the deeds with the animal picture and a letter to answer Sapphire. As promised, something was left for her, a Handcrafted dice.

 Eventually, Eliana will know it was not the Sapphire Fairy but Kelly Kenney, the photographer who made those dice and wrote the first letter and the rest of them, all from the fairy garden.

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Kenney first saw the small garden while her troubles bothered her. The sigh above the garden was saying to brighten your day, add the magic.

In college, she took up creative writing and early childhood development, which armed her with the tools for the next step.

She was thinking of how the girl was dealing with everything and processing everything around her. It exposed how this pandemic left a trauma for a girl her age. Children have to deal with trust issues and the garden as a means to have friends.

 She told the girl's mother via a note that she was the lonely lady that lives down the street having a difficult time.

Letters that she wrote as Sapphire help her deal with the pandemic, especially helping Eliana did a lot to make her feel better. It happened over the months that followed the first letter.

With Polaroids of her transformed to fairy size, the letters and small gifts gave her an idea, Inspiring her to write a children's book as a creative outlet.

Eliana grew to like Sapphire as the girl had her issues that were caused by the pandemic. No school or teachers and classmates in 2020, Kenney help solved that need the girl had.

Fairy Sapphire helped in coping with the change that was happening in the pandemic.

Having to move with her family was rough, and Sapphire calmed a fearful girl. The letter said that we all changed and had to move on.

They met the first in December but was careful with some precautions before meeting in person.

The December move also provided a chance for the two to meet in person.

All of these started from a fairy garden that changed two people during the worst time, making it unforgettable.

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