Thinking of a getting guinea pig as pets, then read these started tips. They are cuddly fur balls that are popular pets, but they need care as much as any other animal.

Getting these cute pets is not as easy as pie because they got requirements for their housing to make them comfortable, especially if they start as babies and need more space as they get bigger.

Knowing what suits them best and other factors that will keep them healthy till they get old is important. Most important is knowing everything in this guide should lessen the burden since everything at everyone's fingertips.

The right cage for the piggy

Choosing the right cage is a must for any owner. From a small piggy, she will get bigger; thus, more space is needed when mature. Sadly, most cages in pet shops are hardly sufficient for any furball, and finding a cage at a minimum of about 7.5 square feet in size. From a small piggy to an adult one, this much space will be just right.

Just in case that two piggies' will be kept as pets, then have at least one cage that is 10.5 square feet for two of them. When choosing them, decide on what sex they will be. Select Two males or two females because they breed fast. Even those as old as a month can mate immediately; next thing, there might be a herd in a small space.

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If the cage has a wire at the bottom, have a tray for them, which helps their feet. Ensure the entire bottom has a large enough tray to cover the bottom; piggies will love it more. Another reason for using a tray is for easier cleaning and pulling in or out for convenience.

Important note: Don't scrimp on supplies for the piggies

Next on the list are the cage supplies, which are necessary for taking care of these critters. They need quite a few, so read what is needed to be purchased; along with it comes the effort to make sure pets are comfortable.

These supplies are bedding, food dish, water bottle, and toys to interact with, avoid pine or cedar shavings that are toxic to them. Always have timothy hay that is also part of their diet and best bedding,

The cage bottom must have bedding on it that might come in many types. They are hay bedding, paper bedding, aspen bedding, or fleece beddings; never use Cedar or Pine bedding, which is deadly to them. Avoid cedar or pine, which can be toxic to them.

Keep in mind they need room to play, at least one room to themselves, because they are energetic furballs. Bigger spaces will allow them to run and get to stretch their legs frequently too.

Do not forget they are inquisitive and are related to rats, so make sure there is nothing to gnaw. They might electrocute themselves.

Suppose there are any other animals in the room for the first time. They might get along, but best to be safe about it, let the piggies get used to the surrounding. Make sure they don't escape and choose that is easy to clean. These starters to have a Guinea pig will be a boost.

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