(Photo : Pixabay/scottwebb)
Waiting for your partner to propose is takes a great amount of patience. Now, a woman has taken extreme measures following her boyfriend's failure to marry her; she simply had no interest in playing the waiting game anymore.

Waiting for your partner to propose is takes a great amount of patience. Now, a woman has taken extreme measures following her boyfriend's failure to marry her; she simply had no interest in playing the waiting game anymore.

Toward people who have been dating for years, other curious people would be asking the question, "So, when will you tie the knot?" It is the golden question that could spark panic in some couples who might not be ready to settle down just yet.

What happens if you had dated for nearly a decade?

Woman Sues Boyfriend For Not Proposing Yet

Gertrude Ngoma, 26, from Ndola, Zambia, has initiated legal actions against her boyfriend Herbert Salaliki, 28, who she alleges had vowed to marry her.

The wannabe-bride did not reportedly just conjure the idea of an eventual marriage out of nowhere as she had been led to believe that their relationship was headed to the next level.

Ngoma is apparently tired of living at her parents' home with her and Salaliki's child while he lives by himself in his own house, reported Diply.

According to Ngoma, "He has never been serious, that is why I bought him to court because I deserve to know the way forward and our future," reported News.com.au.

Salaliki had already organized a dowry payment but claimed he did not have the financial stability to pay for a wedding yet.

It appears that Salaliki is not putting off proposing due to a lack of interest. The boyfriend reportedly is not in a financial position to afford a wedding at the time being as his financial situation is not yet stable, reported UNILAD.

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The woman told the court she was dubious of her partner's loyalty, alleging she had discovered he was having a sexual relationship with another woman.

The fed-up fiancée demanded the boyfriend to outline his plans for the future and claimed she caught him texting the other woman.

Dowry Paid

Husbands-to-be in Zambia usually pays a dowry to their intended bride's family. The dowry is called lobola, or an "appreciation fee" with the purpose of signifying that the man will look after his wife well. Typically, it is in the monetary form if provided in urban cities, and livestock if made in rural regions.

Salaliki had made the dowry payment.

Due to the fact that the pair are not yet married, the presiding judge could not do much and advised reconciliation to take things forward.

Salaliki also hit back at the woman, remarking she had not been providing him the adequate attention he needs.

Due to no evidence of marriage yet, the judge advised to settling the issue out of court for the betterment of both parties.

Ngoma got tired of waiting out for that fairy tale ending and said she feels her partner has wasted her time.

Judge Evelyn Nalwize, ruling over their case at Kabushi Local Court, advised Ngoma to sue for breach of marriage contract but stated the authorities could do little more to intervene. 

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