(Photo : Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images)
HERMON, ME - NOVEMBER 03: A election worker moves between voting booths at a polling location on November 3, 2020 in Hermon, Maine. After a record-breaking early voting turnout, Americans head to the polls on the last day to cast their vote for incumbent U.S. President Donald Trump or Democratic nominee Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

Based on the latest analysis, the majority of the most trending Facebook posts in the United States since Election Day have shown doubts regarding the legitimacy of the election win of the Democrat Presidentiable Joe Biden.

Despite the false claims regarding President Donald Trump winning the election, or alluding to various unconfirmed hitches about the vote count gained hundreds of thousands of interactions in the social media platform, Business Insider reported.

CrowdTangle, the tool which was developed by Facebook was the one that gathered the data as it primarily created to monitor contents that are about to go viral.

Ranging from November 3 to November 10, Business Insider analyzed the top 10 posts from the duration and separated it into two categories, wherein the first group was consist of posts that includes links to external media, and the second group contains posts which did not.

The social media platform attached warning labels to some of the posts, as they flagged it due to the claims are disputed, but the pushback did not stop the posts to be seen widely in the online community, Bloomberg reported via MSN.

The top posts include that Trump falsely alleging that the votes after the Election Day will not be counted and included, three links to new stories by right-wing news site Breitbart, that allege irregularities during the election in a number of places.

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It also includes, Trump falsely alleging fraudulent votes and the prevention of election observers and the sharing of news of Rightwing commentator Dan Bongino that Senator Lindsey Graham donated to the legal fund of Trump to contest the results.

Out of the 10 most-interacted posts without links attached since November 3, nine of them have been by President Donald Trump, and six of them are containing outright untruths regarding the election.

This also includes a post on November 7, just close an hour after the TV networks called the election in the favor of Joe Biden, wherein the president falsely stated that he won the election by a lot.

The social media platform flagged the said posts along with notes that link Facebook users to the correct information.

This move aligns with the decision made in June to label, but not remove politicians' misinformation.

When requested for a comment, the company did not respond immediately.

The identical pattern can also be found in the top 10 posts with links in the same time frame, as five of them directly challenge the results, allude to claims of fraud in the election.

The most interacted post with a link was a post by Fox News posting an article with a headline of "Jason Aldean's wife Brittany stands up for fellow Republicans, Trump after backlash from Biden supporters." 

The text accompanying the link notes that the wife of a country music singer, Brittany Aldean, had worn a Trump sweatshirt which states 'Still my president' on it, Detroit News reported.

Despite most of the election reporters of Fox News have pushed back at election misinformation, its opinion stars in the primetime have not hesitated in amplifying it.

Related article: Trump Campaign Claims Statistical Evidence Proves Election Fraud in Wisconsin