EA is reportedly working on fixing a glitch in its online “Gallery” system that won’t allow “gay” terms in the character's name or description in the same "Sims 4."

Kotaku reports players noticed that if they use words like "gay," "lesbian" or "homosexual," it would not allow them to share their Sims characters online.

One player shared a video on YouTube of her attempts to name a character with the words and the subsequent reactions. Fans were upset with the developers for seemingly attempting to filter out the LGBT community.

However, EA has since released a statement about the online “Gallery” system and assured fans developers are working on correcting the issue.

"The Sims has a long history of supporting stories that players want to tell, irrespective of gender preference," the EA representative said. "The Gallery uses an automated filtering program that filters out certain words, including some of the ones you mentioned below. We are aware [and] have been working on a fix, which will be out soon."

EA has been working on fixing several glitches found in the game. The most recent “Sims 4” update corrected the strange “demon baby” glitch that cause newborns to look like contortionists.

“It has been brought to our attention that some of our cute and adorable babies have had difficulty expressing themselves without… well… distorting,” EA wrote on its official Sims help page.

"There was an issue with some integrated chipsets causing the poor little ones to appear in their own 'unique' way. We have corrected the problem and pulled everyone back together. Thank you for helping us identify, and track down this issue.”

For more information regarding the updates to the “Sims 4” game, click here.