Self Magazine Apologizes For Mocking Cancer Survivor's 'Lame' Marathon Tutu

After making a tasteless joke about a marathon racing outfit in its April issue, Self magazine has issued an apology to cancer survivor Monika Allen, Yahoo Shine reported.

Having spotted a Facebook photo of Allen running the 2013 Los Angeles Marathon dressed as Wonder Woman and wearing a tutu, the magazine contacted her a few months ago.

Allen, who was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2012, runs a company called Glam Runner, which makes tutus and donates money to various charities.

The day she ran that marathon "was an important day, because it was the first time I raced after being diagnosed with cancer," Allen, 35, a marketing manager in San Diego, Calif., told Yahoo Shine.

Explaining that Allen's picture was being used for a discussion on the trend of tutu-wearing female marathon runners, the magazine requested to use her photo.

"I emailed her the photo, but I was shocked when the issue came out," Allen said.

The magazine placed her picture under a section called "The BS Meter." "A racing tutu epidemic has struck NYC's Central Park, and it's all because people think these froufrou skirts make you run faster. Now, if you told us they made people run from you faster, maybe we would believe it," read the caption underneath.

"It was super offensive," said Allen. "We donate a portion of our company's proceeds to a charity called Girls on the Run, which sponsors exercise and self-confidence to fight bullying - which is exactly what it felt like to see my photo in Self. It was also snarky and implied that we looked lame."

"In our attempt to be humorous, we were inadvertently insensitive and we deeply apologize," Self Editor-in-Chief Lucy Danziger said in a statement to Yahoo Shine. "I have sincerely apologized both directly to Monika and her supporters online. At SELF we support women such as Monika; she is an inspiration and embodies the qualities we admire. We have donated to her charity and would like to cover her good work in a future issue. We wish her all the best in her road to good health."

After the magazine reached out to Allen on Thursday, she plans to return their call, according to Yahoo Shine.

"I appreciate their apology, but I would also like to hear them apologize for misleading me about their intent to use my photo and for speaking down to women," she said.

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