Why SMS Reminders Are More Effective Than Emails
(Photo : Why SMS Reminders Are More Effective Than Emails)

At some point in your life, you've missed an appointment, event, or task simply because you forgot. The same is likely to happen to your customers, clients, or employees if they don't see your reminder, thus making sending reminders a crucial part of the business.

In this fast-paced world, email and short message service (aka SMS) have become the preferred communication channels for sending reminders. Both have helped increase productivity, time management, engagement, and opportunities. However, the debate as to which of them is more effective is over.

SMS messages have been confirmed to be more effective in terms of open rate, delivery, personalization, and response rate. According to the Zipwhip State of Texting report, customers see appointment reminder texts as the most valuable texts they receive from businesses, thus improving engagement with them.

Here, you'll learn more about SMS and email reminders, find multiple reasons why SMS reminders are more important than emails, and learn how to use SMS.

Differences Between SMS and Email Communications

If SMS messages and emails worked the same way, there wouldn't be a debate about which is better or more compelling for reminders. Their differences are what make them unique and show their limitations. They also determine the communication channel to use for your company's reminders.

The urgency of the reminder is a crucial factor in choosing the communication channel. SMS is often the best choice for reminders that require an immediate response, while email may be a more suitable option for less urgent reminders.

The length of the message can also play a role in determining which communication channel to use for your reminders. SMS messages are limited to 160 characters, making them more suitable for short, concise messages. Email, on the other hand, can accommodate longer messages with attachments.

The accessibility of the communication channel is another important factor. SMS messages can be accessed on any mobile device with a SIM card, while email requires an internet connection.

In addition, the level of personalization required for the reminder can influence the choice of communication channel. SMS messages can be more personalized due to their shorter length and immediacy, while email offers more flexibility in terms of branding and customization.

Cost can also be a determining factor in choosing the communication channel. SMS messages can be more expensive, especially when sending messages to international recipients, while email is often free or inexpensive.

However, if you place both communication channels on a scale of effectiveness, you'll realize that SMS messages are more effective than email reminders.

Advantages of SMS Reminders Over Emails

An examination of the differences between these two communication tools shows some limitations when using email for reminders.

SMS has overtaken the world, becoming a ubiquitous communication tool we can't seem to get enough of. It's rare to go a day without receiving at least one text message, whether from a friend, a family member, or a business.

In fact, despite the surge of instant messaging apps, SMS continues to be a top choice for businesses and individuals alike. But what's the secret behind SMS messages' unwavering popularity? The answer lies in the countless advantages that SMS has over email.

Higher Open Rates

One of the main advantages of SMS over email is that SMS messages have a significantly higher open rate. According to a study by LabsMobile, the average open rate for SMS messages is 94%, while the average open rate for email is only 24%.

This is due to several factors. First, SMS messages are usually delivered directly to the recipient's mobile device, where they are more likely to be noticed and read than an email sitting in an inbox with too many distractions - promotional messages, spam, newsletters, social updates, and more.

Second, SMS messages are shorter than emails, which makes them easier and quicker to digest. Regardless of the short human attention span, everyone is patient enough to read a 160-character length of text. 

Finally, SMS messages are often used for time-sensitive information, creating a sense of urgency and encouraging the recipient to open the message immediately.

Faster Response Time

Faster response time can be particularly useful for businesses that must communicate time-sensitive information to their customers, such as appointment reminders or urgent notifications. And this is an advantage that SMS has over email. SMS messages are usually read and responded to within minutes, while emails can be buried in a busy inbox for hours or even days unread, let alone responded to.

A marketing insight study published by Gartner showed that the response rate for text is 45%, while that of email is only 6%. Another infographic published by Business2Community showed that, on average, it takes people 90 seconds to respond to a text message, while it takes 90 minutes to get a response to an email. This is why doctors generally send a text reminder to a patient before their appointment to reduce the number of missed appointments and improve overall patient satisfaction.

Greater Reach

SMS can be sent and received on virtually any mobile device, including smartphones, basic feature phones, and even landline phones, thus enabling enterprises to communicate with customers regardless of location or device. However, the same cannot be said for email, which requires an internet connection and a compatible device.

SMS is also more accessible than email. While email requires users to have an email account and an internet connection, SMS can be sent and received on any mobile device with a phone number.

This means that SMS can be used to reach clients who don't have an email account or don't regularly use email. In a case where a recipient's smartphone can be faulty and they're only reachable through a landline, SMS can help too.

Higher Engagement

Unlike email, which can easily get lost in other messages, SMS has a higher engagement rate that can help you connect with your audience more personally. With an open rate of 98%, SMS messages are read and responded to more often than emails, which only have an average open rate of 20%. That implies that when you send an SMS message, your audience will see and act upon it.

SMS also has a more personal touch, which can help build a stronger connection between you and your audience. Since SMS messages are delivered instantly, they are more likely to be seen and responded to promptly.

Better Deliverability

SMS has better deliverability than email. While emails can be blocked by spam filters or sent to the recipient's spam folder, SMS messages are more likely to be delivered directly to the recipient's mobile device. This makes sent reminders more likely to be delivered and seen by the client. This better deliverability can be particularly useful for businesses communicating important information to their customers.

For example, a bank may send an SMS message to a customer alerting them of fraudulent activity on their account, alerting  the customer to take immediate action to protect their account.

Tips for Using SMS Reminders Effectively

Having realized why SMS messages are more effective than email, it's also important to use them effectively to get the most out of them. Here are some tips to help.

Keep It Short and Sweet

One of the most crucial aspects of using SMS messages effectively is to keep them concise. The attention span of the average person is getting shorter, and with the rise of social media and instant messaging, we have become accustomed to receiving information in bite-size chunks.

This is where a platform like Mitto comes in, providing a gateway to help you deliver your SMS quickly and efficiently. With it, you can easily send SMS, knowing they will be delivered instantly and accurately. Remember to keep the message concise and to the point.

Timing Is Everything

Timing is essential when it comes to SMS. You want to ensure the message arrives in the recipient's inbox at the right time so they have enough time to prepare. With Mitto, you can schedule your SMS campaigns in advance, ensuring that your SMS arrives at the perfect time.

Whether you need to send reminders for appointments, events, or deadlines, Mitto's SMS gateway ensures that your messages are delivered on time and without fail.

Personalize Your Messages

Personalization is vital to effective communication, and SMS reminders are no exception. Using Mitto's SMS application programming interface, or API, you can personalize your messages with the recipient's name, making the missive feel more personal and engaging.

Adding a personal touch to your SMS messages can go a long way in improving their effectiveness, as it shows the recipient that you care about their needs and are willing to go the extra mile to ensure that they receive the best service possible.

Include a Call to Action

Including a call to action in your SMS is essential to increase the likelihood that the recipient will respond. With Mitto's SMS gateway, you can easily add a CTA to your SMS campaigns, prompting the recipient to take action, such as confirming their appointment or replying to the message.

By providing clear instructions and a CTA, you can ensure that your SMS is more effective and that the recipient takes the necessary action.


SMS messages are more effective than emails due to their immediacy, high open rates, and simplicity. They are delivered instantly and are usually read within minutes, while emails may take hours or days to be read.

SMS messages are also more likely to be read because they are delivered directly to a person's mobile phone, which is usually within arm's reach. In addition, SMS messages are typically short and to the point, which makes them easy to understand and act upon quickly.

With these numerous advantages, organizations that rely on reminders for appointments, deadlines, and other important information should consider using SMS as their primary reminder method for optimal effectiveness.