New Nexletol Pill Could be Statins Alternative in Addressing Heart Attack, Study Says
(Photo : Photo by Tim Boyle/Getty Images)
A new study found that a new Nexletol pill can be an alternative for statins for people who cannot tolerate the latter in addressing high cholesterol.

A new study found that a new Nexletol pill could become an alternative for people who cannot take statins to cut cholesterol and heart attack risks.

Statins are the first-choice treatment for people with high cholesterol. However, millions of people either cannot or would not take the pills because of unintended side effects. The major study provides a potential alternative for these people, which is Nexletol, a different kind of cholesterol-lowering drug.

New Nexletol Pill For High Cholesterol

The new pill was found to reduce the risk of heart attacks and a few other cardiovascular problems in individuals who cannot tolerate statins. Medical professionals have already prescribed the drug, also known as bempedoic acid, so it can be used together with statins to help high-risk patients further.

The latest research tested Nexletol without the assistance of statins and provides the first evidence that it can reduce the risk of cholesterol-caused health issues by itself. However, Dr. Steven Nissen of the Cleveland Clinic, the study's lead, stressed that statins remain the "cornerstone of cholesterol-lowering therapies," as per MassLive.

However, Nissen noted that people considered very needy patients or challenging to treat will have an alternative, which will have a huge impact on public health. Excessive LDL, or what scientists call "bad" cholesterol, can result in clogged arteries and heart attacks, and strokes among people.

Statin pills such as Lipitor and Crestor are the main way to lower LDL cholesterol to prevent heart complications or treat people who already have it. The medications block some of the liver's cholesterol production, thereby reducing overall levels.

However, some people have been suffering from severe muscle pain when taking statins, and it is unclear how this side effect occurs. Estimates show that roughly 10% of people who would otherwise qualify for statins would either not take them or cannot.

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Risk of Heart-Related Issues

These people have limited options to treat their conditions, which include expensive cholesterol-lowering shots and a different kind of pill known as Zetia. On the other hand, Nexletol also blocks the production of cholesterol in a person's liver but through a different method and does not have the same side effects as statins, according to the Indian Express.

The study, conducted over five years, tracked almost 14,000 people who could not tolerate more than a very low dose of a statin. Half of the patients were given Nexletol daily, and the other half were given a dummy pill.

The researchers found that Nexletol-treated patients had a 13% lower risk of a group of major cardiac issues. They then teased apart the different conditions and discovered a 23% reduced risk of heart attack, the biggest issue.

The number of deaths between the two groups did not vary significantly, and researchers said that the mortality difference might need a longer study period. They presented the research on Saturday during a meeting of the American College of Cardiology, according to Fox News.

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