Chris Cuomo got booted out from CNN due to sexual harassment charges against him, same as Andrew Cuomo, the former New York Democrat governor.
According to the source, that temp employee at that time refused his advances. On Tuesday evening, the New York Times reported that the CNN anchor made the sexual attack after getting refused.
Chris Cuomo Accused of Unsolicited Sexual Advances
Last December, CNN kicked out their anchor, Chris Cuomo, after he was implicated in trying to tamp down the accusers of his brother Andrew Cuomo.
They were accusing him of gross sexual misconduct that ended his term in shambles, reported the Blaze.
Before he was removed from the network last December, an accuser told CNN lawyers about the alleged sexual attack while working as an ABC News temp. Chris Cuomo told her to come to his office and have a business lunch with the host.
Cuomo encouraged the young woman to see her, so he'll advise her how to get ahead in the media network, cited the Daily Mail.
When she arrived for lunch as instructed, there was something amiss. The supposed lunch is a ruse to trap his victim and make sexual advances that were rebuffed.
From her point of view, it was not lunch but a trap set to force her to cave in his sexual advances, which the accuser resisted. She claimed that he wanted to have sex with her.
Regarding the case, attorney Debra S. Katz stated that her refusal caused Chris Cuomo to assault her for not accepting his advances, noted 1010 Wins.
Sources say that after his victim left ABC in 2016, she was contacted to do a puff piece concerning her employer at the time. The law counsels are to see if the woman would not publicly vilify him for the alleged sexual harassment. The network Cuomo worked for was fearful of reprimands that might happen if she went public.
Debra S. Katz, the lawyer of the harassed woman, called it an abusive act that CNN used its influence to quiet a crime done by their top rating host.
The exact statement of Katz remarked that her client is concerned about the silence from the CNN host several years after the incident. His victim's main concern is what will be done if she reveals sexual harassment to the press.
Writing the puff piece is a ploy and a warning never to go public about what he did. More details like how the messages directed to the victim were examined, even confronting ABC News about the serious incident with the governor's brother.
CNN Fires Chris Cuomo
The network reported what transpired in the supposed business lunch, which turned unsavory. More digging was done by a news outlet that followed up on the alleged sexual harassment by the CNN host.
They were able to follow up on more leads that it was not just the temp worker, but several other women were subject to his creepy advances.
Five friends and ex-co-worker reported that Cuomo made unsolicited sexual requests, but his advances were rejected, as he denies the allegations. The incident with Chris Cuomo mirrored what happened to his brother, and he tried to silence his victim, but CNN did fire him as it tarnished their image.
Related Article : Former Executive Producer of 'Cuomo Prime Time' Requested Transfer Due to Alleged Inappropriate Advances by CNN Host