Amazon 'Flow' iOS App Lets You Shop by Camera

Amazon redefines shopping by enhancing its "Flow" iOS application, letting its users scan and shop more products through their iPhone cameras.

Flow, which was initially a standalone app, was launched in 2011 by the e-commerce company. At that time, it was managed by the company's search and advertisement department, A9.

Before purchasing something, consumers usually try to know more about it. He will either type in the name of the product in the search bar or scan the barcode of the item. After that he will visit different online stores to compare prices before buying the item of choice. However, barcodes are sometimes hard to find and shoppers don't know where to look for them.

The updated Flow app will now let users take a photo of the product to pull up information and allow immediate purchase.

TechCrunch reported that unlike the original Flow, which is separated from the main shopping app, the new one is incorporated in the main iOS app. It will not just let customers snap photos of book and video covers, CD and DVD labels, box of cereals, or a beauty product, but logos, artworks and other unique visual markings, too.

"Flow instantly matches products in your home to items on Amazon," said Amazon Mobile vice president Sam Hall in a statement to CNET. "Once you have added that box of garbage bags or baby wipes, just keep moving your phone over other packaged goods you need to restock and the Amazon app recognizes the product and saves it into your search history.

"You can search items lined up on the counter, stored on a shelf, or pick them out of a cupboard, taking care of your shopping needs in seconds."

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