The incoming Biden administration has not been acknowledged by Russia and has been mum. According to the Kremlin spokesman, one of their reasons is the chaos surrounding the results of the 2020 US Elections. He informed the press of the Russian government's consensus before deciding on it.

In an interview with spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who gave the Kremlin's official opinion, the legal process has delayed any acknowledgment from the Russian government. Only when the results are final and courts rule in favor of the incoming ex-VP, Joe Biden, reported Business Insider.

During the electoral exercise, the democrat is expected to surge ahead with 279 electoral votes in winning in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. President Donald Trump scored an upset, but in 2020 it will be 270 electoral votes to win over Republicans.

All the results point to Biden as the victor in the presidential election. All the results would not be final until the Monday after the second Wednesday of December. The 14th will be when all electoral colleges are casting votes for the president and vice president. All votes will formally be counted on January 6 at 1 pm eastern time.

The Trump camp is not giving up despite the urge by everyone to concede to the DEMS. There is a barrage of lawsuits in the state where the result is full of questionable occurrences during the vote counting.

According to Rudy Giuliani, and Trumps are accused as rumor mongers who are spreading ill news of the democrats and Biden. There is collision to disenfranchise the American voter as big media influence everyone in Biden's favor.

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Sources say that Trump called the election his when many ballots were not yet counted. This is exactly why Putin of Russia chooses to ignore Biden as the self-declared winner. Trump may not win, but the doubtful activities cast the ex-VP as yet-to-be pronounced the winner on January 6.

 Activities of the Trump camp are making claims on any of voter fraud or election conspiracies. Instead, the lawyers have chosen to stop the count or discredit ballots. This action will not affect the alleged leader of the ex-VP. Staffers of Trump are already sidelined by the count but choose a lawful venue.

According to Business Insider, it was assumed that this election is the safest and secure from any doubt. The paper trail would be easily tracked.

Paul Nakasone, the National Security Agency director, said that foreign interlopers were less than in the 2018 midterms.

A widespread belief that the US was waiting for a wave of interference before the elections' winner is determined. Getting the voting results in a few days would be subject to uncertainty, he added.

The New York Times said that the Russian connection helped Trump create disputes and cause confusion.

 Since his election to the office, he's been hounded by rumors of Russian interference to elect him in 2016. Another run was made to open up the Russian connection over the summer, but he was cleared of it.

 Nationalist strongmen, China's Xi Jinping and Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, are not ready to give the ex-VP acknowledgment. Russia as well is not moving to congratulate Biden.

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