A new drama had unfolded when Arizona voters used sharpie pens given out by shady folks. The ink just made recording the votes and might have invalidated ballots in Arizona.

 This is the claim made on social media, which may impact Trump's crucial votes while Biden catches up.

 This snafu has come to be known as #Sharpiegate on Twitter that these markers were given to voters by election officials in Maricopa County. People only found out too late that most of the ballots' effect was most for President Trump. Joe Biden's ballots had no such problems, reported AP News.

Assuring the voters, the election officers said that marking with a sharpie will not be such a problem. Saying a process will still keep all the votes in play. No votes will be canceled out, they said.

The Claims and Facts

 Alleged sources say that votes were struck out in Arizona using the questionable pens given by electoral officials in marked ballots. The machine that counted the votes canceled them.

 According to the Arizona polls' overall result, the DEMS Joe Biden was declared the winner there. The social media post saying the votes for Trump was sabotaged to let Biden take the lead.

The use of the sharpies was confirmed by the officials used in voting, denied it would cause the machine to cancel the form. A tweet by the concerned officials in Maricopa County during election day that the markers do not smudge when the machine counts the voter's forms.

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In the tweet," New offset columns on the ballots means bleed through won't impact your vote!" placed in a video to help voters.

 A posted video that got 821,000 views or more featured a woman saying how four other voting places have been using Sharpies. He asks her about ballots not getting counted because of the markers, and they become invalidated or canceled.

He then alleged it is an intentional move to cancel out the votes knowingly. Suggesting a ballpen will help avoid that when casting ballots.

He further adds that most voters are for Trump, not Biden, and these votes get canceled intentionally, in the video.

According to Sophia Solis, the public information officer for the Arizona Secretary of State, in an email, said that the votes would not be junked if there is an issue with the voting form.

Solis added if an Arizona voter's ballot is canceled, it might be a request to have the original voter's form changed. It might be the replacement ballot is in process in another county.

Clint Hickman and Steve Gallardo, both part of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, said in a letter that that is voter misinformation.

Officials have tested several kinds of markers on the vote-tabulation equipment, and it is recommended with its fast-drying ink.

Based on the state's election rule, if a questionable ballot is a duplicate by a machine. It will not be read if the surface is smudged with ink.

 Election officials went to social media to end the Sharpie rumors, but many Arizona voters weren't convinced that their ballot was not compromised.

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