Scientists at Oxford University are optimistic that efforts to search for an effective COVID-19 cure or vaccine can give protection from the coronavirus in an unspecified period only.

There's a race in the discovery of a vaccine that is limited in its ability to ward off strains of coronavirus, or super vaccine which blunts cell hijacking by the COVID-19. The whole scenario is a vaccine which seems to be distant for the meantime, reported News Week.

The vaccine in development is in collaboration with pharm company AstraZeneca, which is one of the frontrunners in the quest to find a cure for the coronavirus. It was stressed in a statement by the World Health Organisation's chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan, mentions India Today.

But it should not be forgotten that there are other COVID vaccine developers in various stages of development. Before this several promising repurposed drugs like chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine has some side effect, which put doubt in their efficacy.

A shortage of chloroquine happened earlier and cause a glut in the world's supply. But with less demand, it can be fixed. Its failure has allowed other vaccine candidates to move forward. But not all vaccines will pan out, which is why many pharmas are alone or working with another company to ensure success.

Will there be any effective vaccines?

One of the worst fears during the pandemic is that no vaccine will be discovered, and it is expected to be available by next year. But another wrangle is whether the developed vaccine can have full protection, not only for a limited period. Most researchers are fixated by the COVID-19 or the coronavirus. So, they might be missing on other coronaviruses, the common cold, and the flu is just one part.

Also read: Coronavirus Oxford Vaccine Effective in Monkeys to be Mass-Produced in India

Or the biggest question is whether we can get a vaccine on time, or we'll just get used to it, like the common flu. Who will need these vaccines when it is not effective anymore?

According to Professor Gilbert, vaccines have more than one way to activate the immune system, cited Metro.

To know if a vaccine works, it has to be tested and analyzed over periods of time, not just a short period. Testing the data and recording the changes if immunity is gained over time, at least to prove the vaccine has some valid effect. Sometimes, achieving immunity through vaccine and artificial ways, is better than natural immunity, confirmed The Scientist.

Coming flu season

Scientists are warning of a terrible winter coming, and it will be worse for hospitals, accidents, and an emergency should there be no COVID vaccine ready for the flu season.

Greg Clark, Science and Technology Committee, inquired and asked if preparations for winter without a vaccine is faced.

Sir John Bell, Regius professor of medicine at the University of Oxford, simply said that it should be assumed a vaccine is ready to roll out this winter, in Sky News.

He added that the pandemic has been all about guesses that were a mistake all along. His last advice was to prepare for the worst.

He said: "This whole epidemic has relied too heavily on assumptions that have turned out not to be true."

But Professor Gilbert said that a vaccine might be here earlier.

There are 8,000 Britons enlisted for the Oxford vaccine trial. There is hope for a successful result.

Related Article: COVID-19 Cure: Tablet Form Coronavirus Vaccine Not Injection May Be Available Next Year