After the gruesome abuse she put her 14-year-old son through, a teacher at a church daycare center in Florida has been arrested, last Friday.
In an exclusive reveal by Daily Mail, they were able to obtain the charging documents for Patricia Hyler which revealed the horrific abuse that her adopted son experienced on her own hands. The said documents also accused Hyler of targeting the boy due to her dislike of redheads.
The perpetrator was arrested and charged with one count of aggravated child abuse in Pace Florida. According to Sheriff Bob Johnson of Santa Rosa County, the abuse was the worst case he had seen in the span of his 38-year career.
Hyler is a mother of four and has most recently worked as a teacher at Capstone Academy, a school that cares for children with disabilities. Before that, she also worked at a local church's daycare center as a teacher and a secretary for the church.
The document detailed the terrible things that Hyler did to the child in the alleged abuse. According to the report, Hyler chained the teen to a leash, cut him with a knife, and even chipped his front teeth with pliers.
Targetted for being a 'red head'
The "target child" as described by the Florida Department of Children and Families has reportedly been abused by the suspect over the past two years, based on the two-page documents that described the abuse.
Moreover, police said that Hyler and her husband Tommy's three other adopted children have also experienced abuse during the period.
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However, it was stressed that the 14-year-old has received the hardest hit of abuse and went through much worse than what the other children did.
According to Sheriff Johnson, the 14-year-old has caught the attention of Hyler and has made her his special target due to the color of his hair. It was stated in the report that Hyler has repeatedly told her other children that she does not like "redheads."
Johnson was also unable to hide his frustrations and anger after seeing what the child went through. He stated that as a father he cannot fathom how somebody can do such a thing to another human being much less a child.
"I've seen a lot of bad things. But this is pretty bad," Johnson said as he described the abuse.
Moreover, the sheriff said that Hyler did not send the child to school for two years in order to keep the abuse in the closer. It was also stated that she threatened her other children that she would find a way to kill them if they ever reported the abuse.
It was stated that Hyler will be facing further charges yet it was not revealed whether it would be related to the abuse of the 14-year-old or her other children.
Hyler has also been accused of punishing the victim, which included making him stand naked in the back yard and hosing him down instead of letting him take a bath. It was also reported that the other children needed to sneak food to the 14-year-old because the accused starved him. However, if Hyler would catch the boy with food on his mouth, she would take it away and punish him.