Han Solo Blaster Prop Sells for $60,000 At Auction

It has been said that hokey religions and ancient weapons are not match for a good blaster at your side. Now one lucky collector can boast having one of the best blasters in the galaxy now that the prop blaster gun carried by Han Solo from Star Wars has been won at auction for $200,000.

According to the California-based seller, Profiles in History, that was the winning bid on the online auction for the famous film prop. It appears all bounty hunters in the galaxy will have to watch out as the identity of the buyer is anonymous by default and the winner has not yet come forward.

Mashable reports that the antique film prop is based on a World War II model of a German Mauser C96 semi-automatic pistol without the shoulder stock. It's worth noting that this isn't even the original blaster that Harrison Ford's Han Solo carried in "Episode 1: A New Hope." Apparently that blaster has been lost. What sold was the replacement model made for use in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. The auction house also notes that this may have also been the prop blaster used briefly by Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker when he first sneaks into the Empire-controlled Cloud City in order to rescue his friends (who had been captured when Darth Vader used the force to snatch this blaster from Solo's hand).

Despite that, the blaster actually reportedly sold on the lower end of its estimate. Profiles in History expected that it might bring in as much as $300,000. However, given the company sold some prop lightsabers as well back in 2005 for a mere $60,000 a piece, the price it fetched for Solo's blaster ends up looking better than they could have hoped for.

Tell us what you think. Would you spend $300,000 or more on Han Solo's blaster? What prop would you drop that kind of coin on if you had it? I've always been partial to Chewie's crossbow. Comment and share your thoughts with us below.

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