John F. Kennedy's Brain Was Stolen By His Brother Robert According to New Book About JFK's Assassination

A new book claims that Robert Kennedy may have committed a very ghoulish heist shortly after his brother John F. Kennedy was assassinated; author James Swanson contends that Robert stole his brother's brain from the National Archives, according to Fox News.

In a new book entitled "End of Days: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy" Swanson said that Robert Kennedy was motivated to steal his brother's brain in order to hide his drug use and debilitating illnesses. The brain, which was removed during the autopsy, was given to the National Archives by the Secret Service, who were originally in charge of it, according to Gawker.

"Not all the evidence from the assassination is at the National Archives. One unique, macabre item from the collection is missing - President Kennedy's brain," Swanson writes. "(It was) placed in a secure room designated for the use of JFK's devoted former secretary, Evelyn Lincoln, while she organized his presidential papers."

In 1966 it was discovered that the brain was missing along with some other slides with tissue on them. While the brain has never been found an investigation into the incident did "uncover compelling evidence" implicating Robert Kennedy as the culprit, according to the New York Post.

The motive for the brain's theft has been debated by conspiracy theorists for years. Many believe that the reason the brain was taken was to hide proof that there was a second shooter because the brain would show that it had been shot from the front, not from the rear as the official record contends, according to the New York Post.

"My conclusion is that Robert Kennedy did take his brother's brain - not to conceal evidence of a conspiracy but perhaps to conceal evidence of the true extent of President Kennedy's illnesses, or perhaps to conceal evidence of the number of medications that President Kennedy was taking," Swanson said.

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