When it comes to big budget blockbuster adaptations of beloved source material, many fans desperately seek out any and all spoiler-y information. It's just the natural order of things. Such is the case with Zack Snyder's "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice." For months now, fans have been combing throughout promotional material and extrapolating extensive theories.

There's the one about Jared Leto's Joker killing a previous Robin. There's one that says Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor will don his famous war suit from the comics. There's a theory for just about every possible possibility, fantasy and outcome.

Today comes a wild theory that is so crazy, we had to share it with you solely based on its entertainment value. For the record, we don't believe this theory AT ALL. It is completely unsubstantiated and actually just downright absurd. But it's fun to think about and we all could use a little fun on Monday mornings.

What is Ben Affleck isn't playing Bruce Wayne?

The above video posits that Affleck will actually be playing Deathstroke who is just filling in for Batman; the same Batman that was played by Christian Bale in Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight" trilogy. Mind = Blown. 

The video's creator goes on to argue that "Batman V Superman" will actually connect with "The Dark Knight" trilogy. Specifically, Leto's Joker is supposed to be Joseph Gordon Levitt's Robin character from "The Dark Knight Rises." He is thought to be a Jason Todd-like character who is murdered by the Joker but returns to assume his mantle.

Again, we can't say enough how completely unfounded and wrong this guy is. But we have to respect him for going to the mental limits to make this theory work. He's really stretching the definition of plausibility in an incredibly entertaining manner.

"Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" will hit theaters on March 25, 2016.