A police officer gave a parking citation to a pink Barbie Jeep blocking the driveway of a Utah home.
No, this isn't a joke. (At least, after the whole FOX-reporting-on-Obama-donating-money-to-a-mosque-during-shutdown thing, we hope it isn't a joke.)
The 7-year-old owner of the pink Barbie Jeep, Autumn, said she was spending time with friends at school when she left her ride outside.
"I think I left it on the sidewalk," Autumn told ABC 13. The young girl's father was the one to discover the play car parked on the sidewalk with a bright pink orange citation slapped on the front. He went outside to check that the abandoned vehicle tag was, in fact, meant for the pink car. The ticket was made out to the owner, Barbie.
"This is definitely my favorite ticket that I have received," Autumn's father told ABC 13, after mentioning that he's received his "fair share of tickets."
The police officer who was keeping watch of the neighborhood in American Fork told ABC 6 that he saw the Jeep in the middle of the street, picked it up and set it down in the driveway. He then decided to get a bit cheeky, and gave Barbie's wheels an abandoned vehicle tag.
"We would hope that people would appreciate the fact that we're there in their neighborhood and we're looking out for them and their property," a spokesperson for the American Fork Police Department told ABC 6.
Autumn said she will keep a closer eye on her Barbie Jeep, and that she will park the Jeep in a better spot from here on out.