Ex-Obama Adviser David Axelrod, a key political strategist for former President Barack Obama, issued a stark warning about President Biden's vulnerable standing as the 2024 election looms during a recent episode of the "Hacks on Tap" podcast.

Axelrod, a seasoned political strategist, highlighted the alarming findings of a Wall Street Journal poll, indicating that only 37% of voters approve of Biden's performance in the Oval Office, marking a record low for his presidency, as per New York Post.

Axelrod Concerned as Biden's Approval Drops

(Photo : Jacquelyn Martin - Pool/Getty Images))
WASHINGTON, DC - DECEMBER 11: President Joe Biden speaks at a Hanukkah reception in the East Room of the White House on December 11, 2023 in Washington, DC. President Biden and first lady Jill Biden host a reception to mark the Jewish holidays.

In a recent poll conducted from November 29th to December 4th, a total of 1,500 registered voters were surveyed. The results of the poll unveiled a noteworthy disapproval rate of 61%. In a recent statement, Axelrod has expressed profound concern regarding the aforementioned numbers, placing significant emphasis on the potential ramifications they may have on Biden's upcoming reelection campaign.

The veteran political adviser cautioned that such low approval ratings could be indicative of voters rationalizing their choices, a troubling sign for any incumbent seeking another term.

Axelrod emphasized potential scenarios pitting former President Donald Trump against current President Joe Biden. According to Axelrod, in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup with only these two candidates on the ballot, Trump emerges as the frontrunner, leading Biden by a margin of 47% to 43%.

In the latest scenario involving five independent candidates, Donald Trump's lead has expanded to 37%, surpassing his closest competitor, who stands at 31%. According to the poll results, respondents showed a preference for Trump over Biden on crucial matters such as the economy, border security, and inflation. However, Biden managed to gain an advantage over Trump, specifically in the area of abortion.

Commenting on the persistently low approval ratings, Axelrod expressed disbelief at the administration's continued promotion of the "Bidenomics" slogan. He specifically mentioned recent photo ops featuring the slogan and criticized the apparent disconnect between the messaging strategy and the reality reflected in the polls, according to Fox News.

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Axelrod Flags Biden-Trump Challenges, Urges Voter Concern

The former Obama adviser also pointed out that, overall, comparisons between Biden and Trump were unfavorable for the current president. Axelrod underscored the importance of addressing the concerns raised by voters, particularly on issues that resonate with the public, such as the economy and border security.

The "Hacks on Tap" podcast co-host highlighted a potential pitfall for Biden's team, suggesting that the public perception of the administration being on the verge of a shake-up could pose a significant challenge. Axelrod's apprehension stemmed from the notion that voters might interpret the situation as a sign that Biden's tenure is in jeopardy.

Despite the grim outlook, Axelrod acknowledged that Biden could still turn the tide. However, he reiterated his concern that the current trajectory poses a considerable threat to the president's chances in the 2024 election, giving Biden only a 50/50 shot at securing another term.

As the Biden administration grapples with these challenges the next few months will likely prove crucial in shaping the narrative and policies that will define the path forward for President Biden's reelection aspirations, The Washington Times reported.

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