(Photo : Alex Kent/Getty Images)
Canadian Truckers Protest In Ottawa Against Vaccine Mandates
OTTAWA, ON - JANUARY 31: Tommy, a Canadian sanitation worker who did not provide his last name, lights a fire outside his tent where he has stayed for the last five days in support of the truckers protesting COVID-19 vaccine mandates on January 31, 2022 in Ottawa, Canada. Thousands turned up over the weekend to rally in support of truckers using their vehicles to block access to Parliament Hill, most of the downtown area Ottawa, and the Alberta border in hopes of pressuring the government to roll back COVID-19 public health regulations.

Canada's anti-vaccine protest with truckers and sympathizers had blocked streets in Ottawa for two days with incidents that weren't peaceful.

Authorities have reported incidents of vandalism, with a few demonstrators setting tempers to flare. The protest is under control except for those stray incidents in the streets noted by the police.

Vaccine mandate is not welcome

Countless truckers and those against the vaccine mandates have gathered on the street to let the government know their sentiments.

Ottawa police stated that a contingent of police has managed to keep everything under control in the afternoon. The protestors' movement is more orderly than chaotic, reported VOA News.

Most of the instances with high risk were turned down a notch without arresting any of those involved. But the sheer number made it very difficult with fewer officers handling the protests. Fears stretching police resources were expressed.

The war memorial getting defaced by individuals and a few city officials getting harassed, with a few NGO volunteers cause some anger. As a response, an investigation would clarify these incidents, citing the National News.

Anger caused by the war memorial denigration

Wayne Eyre, chief of the country's Defense Staff, posted on Twitter his feeling how the memorial of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was treated disrespectfully by protestors dancing on the sacred grove. He added the people who did that should be ashamed.

Last Sunday, the barricades of the Canada anti-vaccine protest were in place to block vehicles from going into the surrounding area of the war memorial; several cars were towed that were parked illegally.

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Protestors were harassing a homeless organization,' Shepherds of Good Hope' had its workers bothered because they wanted a hot meal during the chilly weekend.

Organizers have said they did give free meals to the protestors to lessen the tensions on that occasion. They added it made it hard to do their work at that time.

It started in western Canada a week ago when truckers joined a convoy to drive from Vancouver to the capital of Ottawa. Drivers were up in arms about the vaccination needed for them to enter the US-Canada border.

The US and Canada had made the mandate required during mid-January. Soon after, trucks were in the capital by Friday, with more convoys coming in from elsewhere. Anti-vaxxers were also coming in to add to the hated mandates enforced by the government.

Overall, Ottawa became gridlocked as the government's policies' discontent was made clear; they were against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

He was infected for COVID-19, and in isolation, his family is billeted in a secret location in the capital as protests flared.

But, the crowds weren't as big but were the ones most vociferous about the vaccine and the anger it brought forth.

In Canada, the vaccination rate is 82% from aged five years to older for SARS-CoV-2. It is already at 90% for adults, despite vaccine hesitancy.

According to the Canadian Trucking Alliance, which represents the most Canadian truckers; said most were jabbed already. They are not for the protests in the capital of Ottawa.

The Canadian anti-vaccine protest has some incidents here and there, but opposition to requirements has made tempers flare; mandates are seen as oppressive by many.

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