(Photo : Leon Neal/Getty Images)

The Royal Navy alarmed is over Putin's interest in how the HMS Queen Elizabeth and assets are recovering the debris of the lost F-35. The stealth fighter went down from the first day that sent British naval units on a race against Russian subs.

Russian forces are eyeing how the progress of the search is going out; as the salvage team searches the area where crashed.

It can't be ignored that the tech on the plane will turn the tide against NATO and the US if retrieved by Putin's subs. Also, the loss will reflect poorly for Britain.

Kremlin's chance to get stealth technology from the F-35 crash

Last Wednesday, the search to recover the lost F-35, when it had a malfunction on a regular mission and crash, immediately salvage teams of the British Naval forces to retrieve the secret tech found which can be reversed engineered, reports the UK Express.

The stealth fighter is the cornerstone of the defense and offense of the UK; loss of it means adversaries can devise ways to defend against it.

One media source informed Moscow is looking at the developments since the incident occurred in the Eastern Med, giving unprecedented opportunities to monitor the search closely.

According to the Telegraph, a source revealed Russia has been paying close attention to the incident.

The Royal Navy

Ministry of Defense (MoD) officials said the pilot was rescued and returned to the ship. Adding the British flyer got out safety from the malfunctioning craft. No comment was gotten from the aviator of the downed plane. Royal Navy alarmed is over Putin's interest after the loss of the jet was announced.

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The F-35 is one of the most expensive planes due to advanced electronics and avionic install on it.

Salvage of the jet is not hard to do, but several nations offer their help to get the debris from the ocean floor.

Navy sources spoke to The Times, saying that a few nations have the equipment to get the pieces for greater depths. Americans were requested to help in the search.

British defense sources remarked that Russian navy salvage units weren't in the area; most units feared are those with deep-sea vehicles.

An RAF spokesman said that the Russians would go to great lengths to get an F-35 for free. The source added they it is the same for either force.

Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, 51, stated the Russians are keen on the activities of Queen Elizabeth and her actions since she left Britain. He added the Russian's are more interested than ever.

Furthermore, the Russians do with their ships, and they keep looking at other ships. But try to everything avoid any mishaps.

Why Russian would attempt to get the fallen F-35

F-35 B is the only stealth fighter in service with clients and allies of the US. Few radars are said to detect it, except for the S-500 missile systems that might catch it.

The technologies are exclusive to it, though much of its systems are under wraps. Materials that achieve stealth could endanger countries that own them.

It's a fact that the Royal Navy is alarmed over Putin's interest which can be harrowing to think if any debris falls into Russian hands.

Related Article: Lost RAF F-35 Fighter Starts Frantic Search for Wreckage in Mediterranean Before China or Russia Snatch Top Secret Tech