(Photo : Wilfried Pohnke/Pixabay)

Despite the ravages of the virus on most persons, a few genetically resistant to the coronavirus are there, but only a rare few with this particular set of characteristics. The advantage for such people is they will be able to shrug off infection better than ordinary people.

For any two individuals, similar genetics would be 99.9% at the most from each person, but a small percentage will make anyone different. That will be where changes in disease resistance might reside and what makes anyone distinctive and unique.

Minor variations in genetic code can achieve COVID-19 resistance

Mutation or changes will help us be resistant or susceptible to infectious diseases such as HIV. Specific minor changes to the genetic code can be highly beneficial to the individual and society, reported Sciencealert.

The more we understand these genes, the better-equipped scientists will produce treatments that replicate advantageous genetic differences.

In search for these super humans all over the globe who could front an impregnable genetic wall that will glance pathogens off like slick oil. These specific sets of genes need to be decoded to combat SARS-CoV-2.

Immunologist Evangelos Andreakos from the Academy of Athens, who leads the study, said introducing the virus, which infected many on a global scale, has shown how different everyone's response to the infection differs. Nature Immunology noted a reaction from asymptomatic to a life-ending sickness. A few genetically resistant to the coronavirus would make a difference.

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He added the data from the researches done on SARS-CoV-2 had progressed to a point when it was first detected in December 2019. Except how to achieve resistance to the virus given by genetic mutations in the genes are elusive.

Study focuses on natural resistance to viruses 

Information about natural resistance is scarce for now and more of a guess. Even if there is no proof, it should be counted.

Researchers said that in one house, for instance, all would be infected, except for one left unaffected. Furthermore, a few people have avoided getting sick with the bug even with direct exposure, cited Stat News. And it has happened more than a few times, but some people are still okay.

Some studies have been made to research super immunity, but scientists got not many significant results.

According to the scientists, more is effort is needed to locate those few individuals in the world who are naturally robust to SARS-CoV-2. There are some ideas to achieve this goal.

Researchers will look for these people in homes with symptomatic COVID-19. Next, those who weren't affected without personal protection equipment had at least an hour of no protection during the first 3-5 index cases with symptoms.

Next would be an investigation of negative PCR tests and negative blood work about four weeks after getting in contact with the pathogen and looking for T-cell for signs of infection. The few genetically resistant to the coronavirus will be essential to conquering the virus with any luck.

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