(Photo : David Peterson/Pixabay)
One of greatest threats to the west is the Chinese Communist party that is different and seeks to dominate. It does not respect democracy and is working to knee cap the US, with every trick in the book.

One of the greatest threats to the west is the Chinese Communist party that is different and seeks to dominate. It does not respect democracy and works to knee cap the US and G-7 allies with every trick in the book.

Winston Churchill said that having allies is better, even if there is a spat, a much better alternative. 

From the second world war, both the United States and its allies have built a world order that survived the Soviet Union, but a more organized and ominous malign specter is the CCP.

 US and Allies under unseen siege by Beijing

 After the USSR or the Soviet Union's fall, the world developed better trade and international system and smaller wars. But that would change as the rise of China and the Communists of Beijing would move forward. CCP motivations would be similar to the Kremlin before, but would do it differently, reported MSN.

For China's CCP, the world is incomparable to what the US and G-7 allies want. One issue is that the freedom-loving people of all nations are under threat over communists who want puppet strings worldwide. Just like China, where there is no liberty and free thought, deeds must follow the party.

China's political machine wants military domination, economic strangleholds, and a technologically superior nation that allows US tech to steal to further military goals. These aspects make the regime a dangerous threat to all countries.

 To get what it needs, that means undermining, kneecapping, and seeking the best ways to lay low its most significant stumbling blocks. Democracies are fair game to the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing, using every trick to infiltrate agencies of democracies and do everything to subvert anyone.

 Also read: Former Trump Adviser Says Don't Be Fooled by Chinese Misleading Negotiation Traps

 Beijing is too big to take on alone

 Nothing is more useless than taking the malign CCP alone, and no accountability can be taken. China is used to bullying other nations to get what it wants, like Taiwan and Australia, for instance, whether diplomatic or military means.

 If world leaders allow China to do what it wants and run over whenever it desires, this trend will get bolder. Every world leader should not let the CCP get away with it.

 Collaboration with Norbert Roettgen of the German Bundestag. One of the German leaders concerned with the movements of the CCP. One of the leaders in European politics sees the CCP as one factor that cannot be ignored.

 Last week, several months of trying to convince G-7 legislators for collective action. A letter received and signed by over 70 leaders, from legislators to state heads, agreed a united front would be needed to act against the CCP.

 Collaboration and coordination with G-7 countries are the best way to counter the influence of the CCP on national affairs effectively. If nothing is done then, democratic governments will pay a dear price.

 Communist China prefers a disunited front

 Beijing has been aware of how to undermine democracy, and democratically aligned nations standing alone are fair game. The Communists will sow indifference and disunity to isolate and control nations and threaten them.

 Key areas to keep united are developing better technology, preventing Chinese operatives' entry into international institutions, and upholding human rights. The CCP does not respect it all.

The Chinese Communist Party should follow the rules and co-exist peacefully. Another is to make them accountable and stop a malign attitude.

 Related article: CCP: Documents Obtained Reveal that China Forced Technology Transfer