(Photo : pixabay.com)
Here is advice on how to join triathlons for women who might be interested in the sport. All the practical advice how to go about thing are listed down and for getting the most out of it.

Women who want to start triathlons are getting into the sport, not just men. This gruelling physical sport is not for the faint of heart and needs a vast amount of fitness to do. Contestants will swim, bike, and run in several stages, and that means several types of training but for three sporting activities. In the end, all that training will lead to a healthier lifestyle that benefits them. The goal is to reach the finish line, and nothing else.

Training is not so easy and it takes a long time to reach the peak of fitness too. According to statistics, these triathlons are male-dominated with the remaining minority are women. There is a slight increase in women breaching the gap in joining these sporting events.

It could be that women have certain reservations about joining this tri-sport event, or some events are daunting for them too. Fortunately, the global fitness community and London Triathlon has created an app to help women train better. The app comes complete with everything needed to get into this tri-sport event with guidance. Any empowered woman will have the training to start triathlons with this handy app.


Knowing how to swim will be important, of course. Some other important aspects of swim training should not be forgotten. More advanced swimmers will find it easier than most, if the breaststroke is the only techniques, it will do. Have a plan and best to join a freestyle swim group.

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For this part of the event, any bike is acceptable. Never forget a helmet as part of the gear. Go solo or have friends go out on rides will be good to get pumped up and motivated. However, what really counts is one's ability to train on their bikes.


Participants can walk or run in these triathlons. But running is better though, and more preferable. Training for running includes running drills that prime participants for competitions. Another kind of training is yoga to compliment another aspect of physical exercise. Running includes getting good running shoes and a good partner to round it out.

Be patient and persistent

Results do not happen overnight. Training is also different for a particular individual. Keep doing it and reach goals, or adjust goals to find the best balance for optimum fitness for women. Results come with proper practice and discipline, which i crucial in any triathlon women may compete in.

Brick sessions

A combination of cycling and running in succession are called brick sessions. This will get any women used to "jelly legs" to get over that fitness barrier with ease. This kind of training is one of the best ways to gauge how well the training is going.

What you need

The equipment needed to start triathlons is any approved swimwear, swim goggles, bike, running shoes, and a bike helmet. Above all, you need to enjoy the triathlon as an empowered woman showing what you can do.

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