Kim Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, Miley Cyrus, Emma Watson, Angelina Jolie, Kristen Stewart, Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow have become the faces of an extremely powerful project done by artist and activist aleXsandro Palombo as a way to help stop domestic violence. As some of the most beautiful women in Hollywood, their shocking Photoshop makeovers, which include bruises and black eyes, will absolutely bring attention to No Women Is Immune From Domestic Violence, according to the Daily Mail. Palombo decided to use his skills in a different way to turn these photos of female celebrities into battered victims in light of the International Day for Elimination of Violence, which was Nov. 25.

The images are almost too hard to look at as it is hard to see these famous and beautiful faces in this condition, but it only goes to prove that anybody could be a victim of domestic abuse. The text on each photo says: "Life can be a fairytale if you break the silence. No woman is immune from domestic abuse. #Stopviolenceagainstwomen."

"The biggest accomplice of violence is the silence," explained Palombo, according to Hollywood Life. "A silence which every year kills or causes disability more than diseases or accidents. Domestic violence is a cancer that knows no boundaries nor social status, it can affect anyone, whether you're an ordinary person or a celebrity. To defeat him you need to use the antidote of culture by educating and raising awareness on Respect and Equality. Each of us has to do their part to help increase awareness and to change things by any means."

Palombo is known for using Neo Pop Art as a tool to raise awareness and reflection when it comes to important social and cultural issues such as abuse. His other famous works include Disabled Disney Princesses, Disney Princesses as Breast Cancer Survivors and The Simpsons Go To Auschwitz. He also used photos of Disney princesses for this similar idea, giving them bruises and black eyes. All of his powerful projects can be seen on his Instagram page.