Scottish terriers Jacques and Annabelle he been best buddies for years, according to FOX LA. So when Annabelle got stuck in an embankment on Tuesday, of course Jacques stepped up to help his friend.

It all unfolded in Massachusetts on Tuesday when their owner was rushed to the hospital, and in the confusion, the pair of terriers got out and ran down the road. Animal control was called, and they searched without any luck, until Jacques ran up to an officer and began barking, giving his best Lassie impersonation. You remember the scene, when Timmy fell down the well.

The animal control officer had seen, or at least heard, of that episode, too, so when a frantic Jacques barked and signaled to follow, the officer did just that. Jacques led the rescue crew to a steep embankment, where they found a cold Annabelle and were able to pull her to safety.

"One of the dogs ran up to him, barking. The dog insisted that the officer follow him through a field to an embankment," the Orange Mass. Police Department posted on their Facebook page on Jan. 5. "Officer Bisceglia saw that the second dog had slid on the ice, approximately 30 feet down to the bottom, and was wedged in some overgrowth."

The Scottie's owner said that she is not surprised one bit, as her dogs are very close. And so there's a happy ending thanks to the smart thinking of a little scruffy Scotty and his top-rated communication skills.

Once Annabelle was freed and safe, she had a trip to the veterinarian for a check up, the New York Daily News reported.

Animal Control Officer Jennifer Arsenault said that Annabelle is in good health after the whole ordeal.

"She is doing great," Arsenault said, according to UPI. "She didn't need any sutures or anything, just a good cleaning."