Shannon Lorio from South Georgia was driving really fast one night when, suddenly, she fishtailed and got thrown out of the back window of her car. The next thing she remembers is lying on the ground and being in a lot of pain. She felt a huge presence stand next to her and she felt its breath on her face. The dog licked Shannon's bleeding face and tugged and pulled her 100 feet back to the street.

"That dog had more thrive for life at that point than I did," said Shannon, according to Little Things.

After hugging the big dog so she could stand up, a car stopped in front of her and its driver helped her call an ambulance. An ambulance came in time and brought her to the hospital. The doctor told her that she has a brain hemorrhage but would not need to undergo surgery. "If (the dog) hadn't (saved me)...I probably wouldn't be here today," Shannon added.

In previous HNGN articles, many hero dogs have been featured for saving humans from accidents - and even death! There's a dog who rescued a baby from a sudden infant death, a dog who saved an 11-year-old from a rabid raccoon and a police dog who was able to save the life of a Mississippi deputy. Frederick II, King of Prussia, was definitely right about calling dogs "Man's Best Friends" - and heroes, too.