According to a new study, the number of young people who read the newspaper daily has decreased to 28 percent.
Researchers from the Jaume I DE University in Castellón conducted led the study and found a drastic decrease in the number of young people reading either online newspapers or the conventional newspaper.
The study was conducted with 549 surveys in Catalonia, Spain on the young people of different cities. The main reason cited for this decrease is because most of these young people refuse to pay to get news. Only 6.7 percent of the young people who took part in the survey were willing to subscribe to any press media for news.
"This refusal goes even further in that the majority (76.3%) would visit another free webpage if their favourite internet news source started to require payment. Only 17.1% would stop their internet news consumption if there were no free means," said researchers.
According to the study, three out of every four young adults use social networking sites rather than television and newspapers to keep themselves informed.
"It seems that the way in which journalistic information is conceived is changing," researchers said. "The door has been opened to understanding the news as a public service that must always be available for free whenever the reader wants."
Researchers also state that more than men, women pride themselves and take proper care to keep themselves well informed.
"They put a higher civil value on the news than men. On a scale of 0 to 10, women gave this question a score of 8.4, compared to men who gave 7.97," experts said.
Researchers advise newspaper companies to adopt new strategies to attract young people to reading more news.
"Likewise, to reach out to young people, journalistic media should use social networks intensely since they are the preferred method of keeping informed amongst this population group," researchers said. .