Since the big Spider-Man news broke last evening in regard to the Wall Crawler joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I'm sure everyone's thoughts almost immediately (after this monumental news was processed of course) to: "Hmm, I wonder what other characters will be joining the MCU next?"

One of the biggest stars of FOX's Marvel films, Hugh Jackman, appears to be thinking along the same lines as the rest of comic-loving universe. Jackman gave his thoughts on Wolverine returning home to "There's so many forces at play there, man, beyond what anyone would want," the actor stated. "The thing I've always loved about the comic-book world is how the fun thing was how a writer of a comic book could just pull all these characters together and what became a Friday-night discussion of 'it would be cool to see Batman fight Wolverine' and bang, Monday morning they're working on it, you know. But that's an idealized world."

Well, I hate to burst everyone's collective bubbles, but the characters that FOX owns (the X-Men and the Fantastic Four) won't be coming home anytime soon. FOX and Marvel hate each other at this point in time, with Marvel going as far as cancelling the monthly FF comic so as not to give FOX's upcoming FF flick any free promotion.

While it would be awesome, don't hold your breath on this one happening any time soon, true believers.