After finding her husband with a perceived romantic rival, a Peruvian woman threw the "other woman" off a cliff. And it was all caught in camera.

The surveillance video shows, Lisset Lupo Mamani, mother of four, catching her husband Renzo Zanabria Huanca out on a stroll with Sandra Bruna Morales.

Mamani then is seen grabbing the Morales by the ponytail, dragging her off a cliff, where she reportedly plunged about 20 feet. It all happened so fast that Morales had no time to defend herself. Fortunately, Morales only suffered minor scrapes and bruises.

The alleged cheating husband is seen running away as soon as the fight broke out, but later said he'd been having an affair with Morales.

Morales, in turn, has denied having a romantic relationship with Huanca. She told America Noticias that the man was harassing her.

Although the incident happened back in January, it hasn't been reported what charges were brought against Mamani.