An unemployed teacher from Texas was driving down the street when she spotted a stranded bag. Overcome with curiosity, she pulled over and inspected its contents, not thinking it would have much. To her surprise, she found $20,000 in cash with Chase banks label on it and did the honest thing and promptly returned it to the bank.

Candace Scott, a teacher from College Station, Texas, found the lucky bag Tuesday morning, The Eagle newspaper reported. She first mulled calling 911 to report it missing or driving it to her local police precinct, but never considered keeping it for herself.

Scott said the bag barely caught her eye. "It looked like a gallon-size baggie with a blue zipper on top.

"It just barely caught my eye, and I thought it was money, then was like, 'Nah, it's probably a dirty diaper.'"

Scott wound up taking it to her local Chase bank. The bank teller graciously thanked the Good Samaritan for returning the money. They rewarded her honest act by giving her a $500 credit gift card.

Scott said she guessed that there was $200,000 in the bag, and said the branch manager responded "or more." However, on Wednesday morning, the bank confirmed it was $20,000.

According to the report, Greg Hassell, a regional spokesman for Chase, confirmed the money did belong to Chase. He said that there was no customer information inside the bag.

"We're very grateful to Ms. Scott for stepping up, doing the right thing and returning the bag dropped by our courier service," Hassell said. "It is that neighborly spirit that makes College Station a great place to live."