Outrage Over Chinese Students' Attack In France

Internet users in China have reacted with outrage to reports of a violent attack on a group of six Chinese students studying in France

The students were allegedly attacked by three local residents who were "visibly in an inebriated state," according to French authorities.

The incident took place Friday night in the wine-producing Bordeaux region and one of the students was injured badly after a glass bottle was thrown in her face.

French Agriculture Minister Stephane Le Foll on Sunday denounced the assault on Chinese students as an act of xenophobia.

"It is an unspeakable act. It is the image of France that is damaged with the xenophobic attitudes," said Le Foll, according to the Chinese State News Agency Xinhua.

Condemning the violent attack, the Chinese embassy in Paris on Sunday called upon the French authorities to ensure the safety of its students in the country while demanding justice for the victims.

Users on Weibo, a Chinese social media platform, expressed anger over the assault and concern about other overseas Chinese students.

"Hope all students studying abroad take care of themselves and help each other," said a Weibo user under the username @Sunzhenming.

According to the French Foreign Ministry, more than 30,000 Chinese students are studying in the French Higher education system and the six victims have been in France just two months. The Chinese embassy in France has sent its officials to the region to follow up on the situation.

Citing the high attention that the victims were receiving, some Chinese Internet users said that these children belong to senior officials of mainland China.

"They must be sons or daughters of government officials, otherwise, how come they get so much attention?" asked @Moonyaohuihua on the Weibo.

The 20-year-old young woman with face injury is the daughter of a Chinese "dignitary," reported a local French newspaper Sud Oest.

Media reports indicate that the Chinese students were attacked by the locals as they had made a police complaint against them for creating a nuisance in the neighborhood.

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