The Sony hack continues to reap more benefits; it seems to be a never-ending cornucopia of information and secrets. According to a report at Screen Gonzo, there will be a meeting with Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige, Sony Pictures co-chair Amy Pascal, and other interested parties.

What will this January meeting be all about, you ask? Why, they're going to discuss the future of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The sources cited by Screen Gonzo believe that some "good news" will be announced by February. It's also said that Feige is "happy" with where the deal is headed.

So, could we be seeing the Wall-Crawler appear in an after-credits scene for "Avengers: Age of Ultron?" If not there, then maybe in "Captain America: Civil War?" With the Sony leak also divulging that "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" directors Joe and Anthony Russo desiring to produce the "Spider-Man" films, it looks like these things are more connected than was originally surmised.

This report also says that Feige wants Avi Arad removed as the producer of the "Spider-Man" films. Arad is a major stumbling block here, and seems to be holding the franchise back at this stage of the game. He should be removed (but he doesn't seem like the kind of guy that will go gentle into that goodnight), Sony should name a price and sell the rights back to The House of Ideas...then Spidey can return home where he belongs. In a perfect world (or in a comic book) that's they way it would work, but these Hollywood bigwigs don't live in perfect worlds, so I doubt this will go smoothly or easily.

Stay tuned to HNGN for more information on where Spider-Man utimately ends up as the story continues to develop.