A teenager in Maryland is in hot water after allegedly giving his teacher a pot brownie, the Daily News reported on Tuesday.

A Broadneck High School student, whose name has not been released, is facing criminal charges after he gave his third period teacher the laced goods, the Anne Arundel County Police Department said.

The teacher went to the hospital after falling ill from eating the brownie.

After being apprehended by police, the 17 year old admitted that he had given the teacher half of a pot-laced brownie.

The teen said the teacher asked for a piece of brownie and, not knowing what to say, he gave it to her. His intention was not to drug her, he was just scared and didn't know what to do, the student said said.

His 16-year-old girlfriend ate the other piece of brownie. She was acting lethargic, but did not exhibit any of the same side effects as the teacher, the Inquisitr reported.

Maryland police said the teen was processed at a juvenile detention center for administering and distributing marijuana, reckless endangerment and second degree assault. A parental guardian was able to have the boy released into their custody.

Although marijuana is usually considered a less serious drug, it can produce severe side effects if eaten in large amounts. They're specifically a concern for young children who wouldn't know the difference between tainted and clean sweets.