Entertainment Weekly revealed its cover story this week, and it's the newest entry into the $1.8 billion dollar "Terminator" film franchise titled "Terminator: Genisys."

It is s reboot? A quasi-sequel? No one seems sure as of yet...the cast has definitely been rebooted with "Game of Throne's" Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor, Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese, Matt Smith as Mysterious Future Guy, and Jason Clarke plays John Connor. From what I take away from the EW piece is that the cover shots above aren't from the movie; they are just magazine covers, so there's no way of knowing if this is what the actual movie will look like at the end of the day.

The more troubling part of the article is the actual synopsis which certainly sounds like a reboot...and not in any kind of good way. From the EW piece:

"Sarah Connor isn't the innocent she was when Linda Hamilton first sported feathered hair and acid-washed jeans in the role. Nor is she Hamilton's steely zero body-fat warrior in 1991's T2. Rather, the mother of humanity's messiah was orphaned by a Terminator at age 9. Since then, she's been raised by (brace yourself) Schwarzenegger's Terminator-an older T-800 she calls "Pops"-who is programmed to guard rather than to kill. As a result, Sarah is a highly trained antisocial recluse who's great with a sniper rifle but not so skilled at the nuances of human emotion."

So, does this sound like a good idea to anyone? Having Sarah Conner's adoptive "'father" be a Terminator? Beyond the fact that it's ripping off one of the best elements from "T2," is the indisputable truth is that this is just a silly idea overall...I mean, c'mon, people you're going to have to try harder here.

My anticaption for this flick just went from "mild" to "who cares" about as quickly as a T-1000 could morph into my wife and impale me though the head. Oh, and the subtitle "Genisys" is godawful as well. Wake me when this nightmare is over...