Ramsey No Burgers: Hero Turns down Free Food, Says to Help Victims Instead

Ramsey No Burgers: Hero Turns down Free Food, Says to Help the Victims

Charles Ramsey, the man who helped rescue the three kidnapped women in Cleveland, wants people to know that he has nothing to do with restaurants offering "Ramsey Burgers," according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

The 43 year-old man became an instant celebrity after helping to rescue Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight from the house of Ariel Castro on May 6. Along with being lauded for his heroism Ramsey has gained internet notoriety due to a colorful interview in which Ramsey mentions that at the time he heard Berry calling for help he was "eating his McDonalds."

The mention of the fast food restaurant has led to various eateries offering Ramsey burgers for life or to offer up specials named after him. It has also led to a video game featuring Ramsey and Castro fighting each other by throwing hamburgers, the Plain Dealer reports.

Through his lawyer, Patricia Walker, Ramsey has said that the video game disgusts him.

"I want everyone to know that I have nothing to do with this trash," Ramsey said in a statement. "I never told these people they could use my name for this."

Walker told the Plain Dealer that Ramsey doesn't want any publicity from the incident. Walker told the Plain Dealer that Ramsey would prefer if people would stop focusing on him and instead on the victims.

"He is encouraging people to do things that will help the victims," Walker said. "He was never asked about authorizing Ramsey burgers."

Hodge's, the restaurant that Ramsey used to work at washing dishes was one of the first places to offer a "Ramsey Burger." Scott Kuhn, owner of the Driftwood Restaurant Group, talked to the Plain Dealer about his regret that Ramsey did not enjoy the tribute.

"The Ramsey Burger was named to honor an employee at a time he indicated he would be returning to his job at Hodge's," Kuhn said. "It was not developed to generate additional revenue for the restaurant - nor has it. We are saddened to hear that Chuck did not take this - or the offer of so many Cleveland restaurants to give him free meals - in the spirit we intended."

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