A man broke into the Kennedy compound in Barnstable, Mass. Tuesday, looking pop singer Katy Perry.
James Lacroix, 53, was arrested after he answered a phone call from Ted Kennedy Jr, who was at his home in Connecticut. Worried about his teen son's safety, Kennedy Jr., the son of late Senator Ted Kennedy and a candidate for State Senate in Connecticut, informed the police, reports NBC Connecticut.
Police found Lacroix, who was in his 'Captain America' t-shirt, in the kitchen. They arrested him around 9:30 p.m. When asked what he was doing at the Hyannisport residence, once famously used by late U.S. President John F Kennedy, he simply replied, "Looking for Katy Perry."
Authorities also found a black car parked outside the home. They said Lacroix, a disabled veteran, was at the house for at least three hours. The teen son was also in the kitchen; he was unharmed.
"Follow-up investigation with neighbors revealed that Lacroix had arrived at the property at approximately 6:30 pm," police officials said. He was charged with breaking and entering in daytime. Lacroix was booked and held at the Barnstable Police Department and will be arraigned in Barnstable District Court Wednesday morning.
The house served as a political base and vacation retreat for the Kennedy family. It is one of the three houses in the Kennedy compound. The family have owned property in Hyannis Port since the 1920s. To years ago, the Kennedy family gave up ownership to the Edward M. Kennedy Institute.